Order of Service - July 13, 2014 "Uncivil Behavior"
Date of Service:
July 13, 2014
Order of Service - July 13, 2014
“In our daily life, we encounter people who are angry, deceitful, intent only on satisfying their own needs.
There is so much anger, distrust, greed, and pettiness that we are losing our capacity to work well together.”
- Margaret J. Wheatley
*** Gathering Hymn Bind us together,
Oh bind us together with cords that cannot be broken.
Bind us together,
Oh, bind us together,
Oh, bind us together with love.
*** Please stand in body or spirit.
Welcome Rob Briner, Worship Associate
Prelude “Blood on the Wind” Jared Anderson
Chalice Lighting
*** Opening Hymn #1052 The Oneness of Everything
*** Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*** Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.
- from the Genevan Psalter
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Story for All Ages Jacki Weber
Song of Blessing Go now in peace,
Go now in peace,
May the spirit of love surround you
As you go, as you go
On your way - Natalie Sleeth
A Time for Community
Offertory “Taksim Square” Jared Anderson
Devotional Time
Pastoral Prayer #601 When All the People Mo-Tse
Sung Response #1064 Blue Boat Home
Responsive Reading (Full text at bottom) Rev. Nuri-Robins
Music for the Morning “Fireworks” Jared Anderson
Sermon - “Uncivil Behavior” - The Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
*** Closing Hymn #1014 Standing on the Side of Love
Please remain standing in body or spirit and hold hands for the benediction.
*** Benediction Rev. Nuri-Robins
Read more about Uncivil Behavior:
“The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense” by Suzette Elgin.
“48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene
“Turning to One Another” by Margaret Wheatley
Please be seated for the postlude.
Postlude “Moonshine” Jared Anderson
Extinguishing the Chalice
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Greeters: Kris Langabeer & Jila Tayefehnowrooz
Ushers: Steve DePaul & Kit Shaw
Coffee: Linda van Ligten, Sanna Egan, Robert & Phyllis Kory
Bookstore: Nancy Babbit
Backyard Bounty: Sue Stoyanoff
Service Notes
Kikanza Nuri Robins has been attending our church for about a year. She is an ordained Presbyterian minister,
a community minister who works as an organizational development consultant. She serves people and
organizations that are in transition – or ought to be – helping them with issues of leadership, change, diversity
and spirituality. She came here, to our Santa Monica congregation, to fill her own trans-traditional spiritual
well, and liked it so much she has stayed. Kikanza will become a full-fledged member as soon as she gets her
paperwork completed, but she has already made a financial commitment to our community.
We are very grateful for the music of Jared Anderson, this morning! Jared makes music and photography under
the project moniker Aristotle Throttle. He grew up hopeful despite the drugs, murder, Christian suburbs, and
other dark secrets haunting his family. For 10 years and two weeks he channeled that hope into taking care of
severely abused and neglected children at a group home. During that decade, he fronted a band called System
Kid and performed at dozens of churches and weddings. The conservative closet got cramped so he came out
and moved to Spain for new adventures. He currently resides in L.A. and is recording an EP. He also does play
therapy with autistic kids and drives for Lyft.
This month, 60% of the non-pledge offering will go to Step up on Second. Step up on Second provides help,
hope and a home for individuals affected by mental illness. Each day, Step Up sees 100 individuals and offers 22 programs in a continuum of care, all free of charge. For over a decade, volunteers from our church have served a meal to residents at Step Up on Second on the 4th Saturday of the month. To join the Hunger Task Force and volunteer, please contact Rhonda Peacock: uurhonda@gmail.com.
Responsive Reading (see above): "We Give Thanks"
For the good in the world;
for things great and small,
beautiful and awesome;
for seen and unseen splendors;
We give thanks
For human life;
for talking and moving and thinking together;
for common hopes and hardships shared
from birth until our dying;
We give thanks
For work to do and strength to work;
for the comradeship of labor;
for exchanges of good humor
and encouragement;
We give thanks
For marriage;
for the mystery and joy of flesh made one;
for mutual forgiveness and burdens shared;
for secrets kept in love;
We give thanks
For family;
for living together and eating together;
for family amusements and family pleasures;
We give thanks
For children;
for their energy and curiosity;
for their brave play and startling frankness;
for their sudden sympathies;
We give thanks
For the young;
for their high hopes;
for their irreverence toward worn-out values;
for their search for freedom;
for their solemn vows;
We give thanks
For growing up and growing old;
for wisdom deepened by experience;
for rest in leisure;
and for time made precious by its passing;
We give thanks
For your comfort in times of doubt and sorrow;
for healing our diseases;
for courage in the face of temptation
and danger;
We give thanks
We give thanks for a world that is good
We give thanks for the hope that comes
from love that is everlasting