Order of Service for Sunday, September 22, 2013

Date of Service: 
September 22, 2013

Gathering Hymn


Love will guide us, peace has tried us,

Hope inside us will lead the way

On the road from greed to giving.

Love will guide us through the hard night.



                                                              Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)

Ruach Elochim                                                               Lisa Levine

Go Down, Moses                                            Adolphus Hailstork

Chalice Lighting

Karen Canady (9:00)

Nalani & Kim Santiago-Kalmanson (11:00)

Opening Hymn

I'm On My Way



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Time for All Ages

Commissioning our Religious Exploration Volunteers

Song of Blessing

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…

Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine...

A Time for Community

Pulpit Message

                                                      Nora Hamilton, Faith in Action

Offertory                        (9:00)  


Create in Me a Clean Heart                                       Anonymous

Hiney ma Tov                                                    Maurice Goldman

Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer


    Sung Response




Come and find the quiet center in the crowded life we lead,

Find the room for hope to enter, find the frame where we are freed:

Clear the chaos and the clutter, clear our eyes that we can see

All the things that really matter, be at peace, and simply be.

Responsive Reading #465 

The Wisdom to Survive                                          Wendell Berry

Music for the Morning

Free                                                                              Ginny Owens

                                                  VanNessa Hulme, soprano soloist


“No Limits"                                        Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

 Closing Hymn #1008

When Our Heart Is in a Holy Place



Postlude (9:00)

Choral Postlude (11:00)

Go Down, Moses                                                arr. Calvin Taylor                                                              

Lebenslust (Love of Life)                                       Franz Schubert

Extinguishing the Chalice