Order of Service for Sunday, June 30, 2013

Date of Service: 
June 30, 2013

Gathering Hymn


Come, come whoever you are,

Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.

Ours is no caravan of despair,

Come, yet again come.


Ven, ven, cual eres, ven,

Nómada_en búsqueda, si_amas la vida.

La nuestra­_es la caravana de_amor,

Ven, otra vez ven.


Call To Worship

Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur



Gymnopedie #1                                                                 Eric Satie

Andrew Abaria, piano


Chalice Lighting

Judith Martin-Straw


Opening Hymn #317                            

We Are Not Our Own




Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.


Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts


Offering for the Westside Food Bank


Time For All Ages

Triangle Town


Song of Blessing

Go now in peace, go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you

As you go, as you go

On your way.                                                                 ~ Natalie Sleeth


 A Time for Community



Boulevard of Broken Hearts                                Andrew Abaria


Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer






When I breathe in, I'll breathe in peace,

When I breathe out, I'll breathe out love.


Responsive Reading #530

Out of the Stars                                                   Robert T. Weston


Music for the Morning

Silent Tonight                                                         Andrew Abaria



"Interdependence Day"                     Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur                                 


Closing Hymn #1064

Blue Boat Home






We Are the Underdogs                                         Andrew Abaria


Extinguishing the Chalice