Order of Service for Sunday, August 5, 2012

Date of Service: 
August 5, 2012

Order of Service - August 5, 2012

I know for myself that to listen to anything, even silence,
I have to know what I am listening to.  
~ Sara Maitland, author of A Book of Silence

Gathering Hymn

Gathered here in the mystery of the hour,
Gathered here in one strong body.
Gathered here, in the struggle and the power,
Spirit, draw near.

Please stand in body or spirit

Call To Worship - #441 Jacob Trapp

Prelude  - Roy Zimmerman, singer/songwriter

Chalice Lighting - Sam Polk

Opening Hymn - #347 Gather the Spirit


Love is the doctrine of this church.     
The quest of truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace;
To seek knowledge in freedom;
To serve humankind in fellowship;
Thus do we covenant with each other.


Hymn of Praise

From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, good will on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.          
~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Spiritual Practice for All Ages

Inside an Egg                       Laura Wilkerson Spencer (adapted)                                                                  

Song of Blessing 

Go now in peace, go now in peace,
May the spirit of love surround you
As you go, as you go
On your way.                                                                 ~ Natalie Sleeth


A Time for Community


Devotional Time

Joys and Sorrows

Pastoral Prayer

Music for the Morning                                                                        

Reading from the World Religions - 1 Kings 19:11-13

Hymn - #83 Winds Be Still

Modern Reading - First Sounds                                                                     Ellen Roth

Sermon - “Somebody’s Calling My Name”   Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

A Time of Silence

Closing Song - #1040 Hush

Please remain standing in body or spirit and hold hands for the benediction.


Please be seated for the postlude.


Extinguishing the Chalice

Greeters: Denise Helton, Roberta Frye & Tom Foretich
Ushers: Barbara Kernochan & Peggy Kharraz
Coffee:   Patrick Meighan & Karen Patterson
Book Table: Nancy Babbitt

Service Notes

In the month of August, we celebrate Unitarian Universalism with support for UU-affiliated ministries and service organizations. This week, our Generous Congregation offering will benefit the UU Trauma Response Ministry.  UU Trauma Response Ministry provides spiritual care, education, support and direct aid to congregations in the wake of mass disaster and other significant trauma, and partners with disaster relief organizations to integrate spiritual counseling and care into onsite disaster response.