Order of Service - Aug 9, 2015 "Building a New Way: 2015 GA Reflections"
Date of Service:
August 9, 2015
*Gathering Hymn We Give Thanks arr. Susan Peck
Oh we give thanks for this precious day.
For all gathered here, and those far away;
For this time we share, with love and care
Oh we give thanks for this precious day.
Prelude Morning Dew Ruben Villalobos
Welcome Abby Arnold
Chalice Lighting Annalivia Martin-Straw & Katy Hoffman
*Opening Hymn #1017 We are Building a New Way
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Time for All Ages Maxwell DeVita
Song of Blessing This Little Light of Mine Traditional
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…
Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine…
Life Together Daniel Patterson
Offering Sonata in E-Minor Ruben Villalobos
Devotional Time Abby Arnold
Sung Response Bind Us Together Bob Gillman
Bind us together, oh bind us together
With cords that cannot be broken.
Bind us together, oh bind us together
Oh, bind us together with love. x2
Reflections Patricia Wright
Catherine Gentile
Roberta Frye
Music for the Morning Day Raga Ruben Villalobos
Reflections Maxwell Devita
Alan Brunell
Peggy & Rick Rhoads
*Closing Hymn #1014 Standing on the Side of Love
*Benediction Dagny Stahl & Catherine Gentile
Musical Response Red Sky Raga Ruben Villalobos
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters: Barbara Gibbs & Kris Langabeer
Ushers: Tom Early & Barb Kernochan
Coffee: Diane Macunovich & Peggy Rhoads
Bookstore: Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
A warm welcome to our musical guest this morning, Ruben Villalobos. Ruben Villalobos is a talented
and energetic guitar/sitar/keyboard player who has worked with such artists/producers as Ikey Owens
(Jack White, Mars Volta, Free Moral Agents, Sublime) & Miguel Happoldt (Sublime.) Mostly a live
player, he has worked with a handful of bands as a studio musician playing trumpet and sitar as well.
Today, 60% of our offering will go to The General Assembly Planning Committee Matching Grant
Program . The G.A. Planning Committee Matching Grant Program is a fund that helps congregations
send members to General Assembly who otherwise could not afford to go. The fund is available to
match funding - raised or allocated by local congregations - to help their members pay for registration
and travel costs so they can attend General Assembly. More information can be found at