Order of Service - Aug 5, 2018 "The Poetry of Midfulness"
August 5, 2018 “Poetry of Mindfulness”
Flow down and down in always widening rings of being ~Rumi
*Gathering Hymn #188 Come, Come, Whoever You Are
Call to Worship Dorothy Steinicke, Worship Associate
Chalice Lighting The Way It Is Lynn Ungar
Music for the Morning Nocturne in F minor, Op.51 Friedrich Chopin
*Opening Hymn #326 Let All the Beauty We Have Known
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer
To dwell together in peace
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sun
Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Time for All Ages Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud Lynn Plourde
*Song of Blessing #368 Now Let Us Sing
Life Together
Offertory Anthem Minuet in D J.S. Bach
Devotional Time
Reading The Cure for It All Julia Fehrenbacher
Presentation Part 1 The Poetry of Mindfulness Rima Snyder
Under Ideal Conditions Al Zolynas
The Second Music Annie Lighthart
Blackbirds Julie Cadwallader Staub
Musical Response
Presentation Part 2 Dorothy Steinicke
Because even the word obstacle is an obstacle Alison Luterman
Savasana: Corpse Pose Maryanne Murphy Zarzana
Going Deeper
*Closing Hymn #352 Find a Stillness
Musical Benediction
Invitation to Fellowship
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters: Barbara & Kim Andres, Tom Foretich & Denise Helton
Ushers: Linda van Ligten & Greg Wood
Coffee: Deirdre Dietel, Kit Shaw & Alicia Van Ooyen
Welcome Table: Barbara Gibbs & Linda van Ligten
Bookstore: Sarah Harper
Service Notes
Today, 40% of our offering will go to to The Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice. The UUCSJ creates valuable, experiential learning opportunities that use multiple learning modalities: books, lectures, classes, movies, conversations — and, of course, by direct experience with people from other cultures. In this moment of rising xenophobia and threats against basic human rights, UUCSJ trips to the border build experiential learning relationships with immigrants and grassroots partners to reveal the depth of the immigration crisis firsthand. These stories give a firsthand account of the challenges that exist across race, class, power, and privilege. This offering goes to scholarships – perhaps for someone in this community – to learn how UU principles are being employed to change lives. Please give generously!
Our presenters today are Rima Snyder and Dorothy Steinicke. Rima and her husband, Norb Gallery, have been members of UUSM since 2006 and both sing in the choir. Rima is a freelance audio engineer, composer, and poetry fan. She and Norb live in Culver City. Dorothy has been a member of UUSM since 1998 and has been an RE teacher for almost that long. Her two daughters, Emily and Madeline Hero came up through our RE programs.