Order of Service - April 29, 2018 "Earth Sunday"
Date of Service:
April 29, 2018
April 29th, 2018 “Earth Sunday”
*Gathering Hymn #173 In the Branches of the Forest
Call to Worship James Witker , Worship Associate
Chalice Lighting
Music for the Morning Sonata in A Minor for Flute Alone, III. Allegro (9am) C.P.E. Bach
with Kenneth Alexander
The Blue Bird (11am) C.V. Standford
*Opening Hymn #1071 On the Dusty Earth Drum
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Time for All Ages Ian Oakes, Bryan Oakes & Beth Brownlie
*Song of Blessing #366 Heleluyan
Heleluyan, heleluyan, hele, heleluyan,
Heleluyan, heleluyan, hele, heleluyan.
Life Together
Pulpit Message
Offertory Anthem Come Sunday (9am) Duke Ellington
with Kenneth Alexander
Great Trees (11am) Mary Alice & Peter Amidon
Devotional Time
Reading/Reflection Earth from Space/Pale Blue Dot Sigmund Jahn/Carl Sagan
Pastoral Prayer Prayer to Future Beings Joanna Macy
Musical Response
Sermon Acting with Urgency, Resisting Despair Alison Kendall
Interlude Going Green Greg Wood
Going Deeper
*Closing Hymn #1068 Rising Green
Musical Benediction Oh Beautiful Gaia
Invitation to Fellowship
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters: Bryan Cahill (9am); Katie Malich (11am)
Ushers: David Goetz & Kit Shaw (9am); Steve DePaul & Tom Foretich (11am)
Coffee: Susan Stahl & Alicia van Ooyen (9am); Rebecca Crawford & Linda Marten(11am)
Welcome Table: Barbara & Kim Andres (9am & 11am)
Bookstore: Sarah Harper (9am & 11am)
Service Notes
Today 40% of our offering goes to Citizens’ Climate Education. Citizens’ Climate Education
empowers individuals to educate elected officials, community leaders, and the general public about
climate change and climate change solutions.
Their consistently respectful, non-partisan approach to climate education is designed to create a
broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political
inclinations. By building upon shared values rather than partisan divides, and empowering our
supporters to work in keeping with the concerns of their local communities, the CCE work towards
the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions.
Please give what you can to help spread vital knowledge for a livable future. Thank you!
Tree Offering Today: We are planting a tree on our UU campus in honor of our Grandpas,
Grandpa Greg Oakes and Grandpa Mac Brownlie.
May their wisdom and spirits continue to inspire us...a Grandpa Tree.
~ From your loving family... Joanne Brownlie, Beth Brownlie, Bryan Oakes, Ian Oakes,
Alex Michaelson & Spencer Michaelson