"Making Promises" UUSM Sunday Service (Online Service) - March 14, 2021
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
"Spiritual Armor" - UUSM Sunday Service (Online Service) - March 7, 2021
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
"Transgender Day of Visibility" (Online Service)

"Higher Love" (Online Service)

"Making Promises" (Online Service)

"Spiritual Armor" (Online Service)

Camp deBenneville Pines Weekend
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke
Sunday, March 14 from 2:30pm-4pm
Birds—part 2
In this nature journaling session we will continue to consider birds. In the last session we focused on drawing from memory and from photos. In this session we invite you to bring an object relating to birds; feathers, a blown down nest or even an egg, to have a physical object with you that you can explore and journal about. We will also plumb our memories for bird encounters to journal about.
The nature journaling group has been meeting monthly for most of this pandemic year. It is a great way to focus our minds on the gifts we receive from the natural world and the fact that, even if we are stuck at home, the natural world is all around us, we are part of it.
In the group we write and draw and consider aspects of nature. No skill, experience or talent is required. New participants are very welcome.
A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has spent years encouraging people to experience the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach.
"Be Ours a Religion" - UUSM Sunday Service (Online Service) - February 28, 2021
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
"What is Anti-Oppression Spiritual Life and Practice?" - Sunday Service (Online Service) - February 21, 2021
Patricia Mushim Ikeda