The Meaning of Membership
Gathering Tonight
Our hearts are with all those affected by violence - in Boston and around the world, today and everyday.
The Sanctuary will be open tonight (Tuesday) from 6:30-8:30pm for those who wish to gather and be with one another in the wake of yesterday's senseless attacks. Please join your minister and the Committee on Ministry if you are able.
Fourth Friday Lunch
April, 2013
Christina Strok

Born in El Salvador in 1982, Christina was adopted as an orphan at the age of one year, and raised in Ohio in a log cabin on ten acres of farmland. She was surrounded by farm animals and nature, and was strongly influenced by her scientist father and photographer/artist mother to learn to draw. Thus began a life-long interest in drawing, architecture, interior design, and designing web sites. Christina currently works in her home studio. Inspired by poetry, music, and writing stories, she never sketches beforehand, but rather improvises as she draws. Very strong willed and focused, she hopes to be the next art movement. Her motto is “Grandiose thoughts are always there.”
YRUU Service
In our annual YRUU Sunday Service, UUCCSM’s high school youth will lead a special service that utilizes the pop-culture zombie trend to explore themes of relationship and disconnection, finding your passion, and living in the moment.
Earth Sunday
Our service will be led by members of the Green Living Committee, including Jessica Clay, Beth Brownlie-Oakes, and James Witker
Hungry for Transformation
Learning to Ride a Bicycle
Do you remember when you first learned to ride? It was, at heart, an act of faith. This morning, I’ll share inspiring stories from around the globe and hope to open your hearts to express your love for this congregation and Unitarian Universalism.
Rev. Vail Weller is the Special Assistant to the President for Major Gifts at the Unitarian Universalist Association. She has served as a parish minister in West Virginia, Michigan, and most recently, San Mateo, CA.
Understanding the Bible (book discussion) - James Witker