For most of our lives we focus on our futures: What are our goals? What is next? There is a point, however, when we might begin to think about our legacy. What is the body of work for which you will be remembered? What are your footprints? And where will people find them?
The 8th UU Principle
ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 am online only
We hold our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles — from affirming the inherent worth and dignity of every person to respect for interdependent web of life — as strong moral guides. An 8th Principle has been proposed and adopted by many congregations that affirms the work of anti-racism and anti-oppression as central to our journey towards spiritual wholeness. Come learn more about the proposed 8th Principle as we honor Martin Luther King, Jr., Day this Sunday.
Jesus' Ministry of Anti-Oppression

Spiritual Report Cards

"Where is the Joy?" - UUSM Sunday Service - December 26, 2021
"Christmas Eve Candlelight Service" - December 24, 2021
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online
Nature Journaling on Local Sea Shells and Their Former Occupants
January 30, 2022, 2:30pm-4pm
Sea shells are the former homes of sea creatures, usually mollusks. The
shells that they leave behind are often beautiful and intriguing. We will
spend this nature journaling session considering some of the sea shells of the
Santa Monica Bay and learn a little about the animals that used to occupy
If it is possible, I ask that you come to our session with a local shell or shells
to journal on. If it isn’t possible, I will have photos that you can work from.
This session will be facilitated by Dorothy Steinicke, a member of UUSM
and a lifelong lover of nature and the outdoors. Dorothy has spent years
encouraging people to experience the natural world.
To receive the Zoom link for this program contact
New Year Resolution Workshop - Zoom/Online
Only 8% of people continue their New Year Resolutions after the first month. Be one of the 8%!
Increase your ability to follow-through and achieve success in this New Year Resolution Workshop. The workshop will consist of three 1.5 hour sessions on Zoom and a check in at 6 months. The New Year is the time we typically set out our list of things we want to do, change, see and accomplish. If you've had problems identifying and or keeping those resolutions or goals in the past, this workshop is where you want to start. Over the course of the Workshop, Norm Richey, MSW, and Certified Life Coach, will introduce you to new skills that will help you achieve your resolutions for 2022. The Workshop will meet on the 1st Wednesdays of the month beginning on Jan 12th, from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Email to reserve your spot.
"Sources of Our Liberal Faith" - UUSM Sunday Service - December 19, 2021
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
Pastoral Care Meeting
We are going to once again offer Holiday Pastoral Care Circles for anyone in need of some extra support or time with Beloved Community this holiday season. These will be sacred spaces for members and friends to check in with a circle of caring. Pastoral Associates and Care Ring members will be in person at the church (masks and social distancing required).
RSVP's requested to