Testing Our Tolerance for Diversity
Diversity is coming. Indeed, it's already here. But are we ready? Because of technology we can now be instantly aware of new cultures, exposed to them and be immersed in them in ways that were impossible only 30 years ago. How do we know we're ready? Are we prepared to consider diversity as a burden instead of a threat? This sermon will test our readiness.
Torda 451 – A Heretical Account
This year is historical on several religious accounts. We are celebrating the birth of Protestantism, which is the official story of our stepping into religious history. But only slightly behind Martin Luther’s momentous declaration at Wittenburg was an even more defining point for our character and values – and a revealing moment for religion and culture. We will also recognize our inaugural group of Worship Associates during each of the services.
All These Words mean Happy Kwanzaa (one service at 11 a.m.)

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (6 & 8 p.m.)

Christmas Pageant (4 p.m.)
.Our Holiday pageant “Would You Like to Hold the Baby?” will take place at our 4pm Christmas Eve service this year.

The Straight Skinny on the Fat Man in Red (two services at 9 & 11 a.m.)

Winter Solstice Service (7:00 p.m.)

Holiday Wars
Every year just before Christmas religious conservatives announce there is a 'War on Christmas!' Christmas, they claim, is being dishonored and shortchanged because it isn't allowed to reign supreme over other religious holidays. But there is something we all lose in this holiday hoopla. This is an open letter to Fake News agencies and all who lay claim to Christmas as the dominant culture.