Soul Keeping
If we are spiritual beings having a human experience, how do we take care of the part of ourselves that connects us to one another and serves as a vessel for the spark of Life? Consider a few practices for the care and nurture of your soul. Do you have any? Do you need any? What might you do to take you closer to the core of who you are and who you want to become? A few spiritual practices for a busy life.
Bird by Bird, Stone by Stone, Hand in Hand
This country was built within a cultural paradigm of grit and determination and a will to survive. It is a very useful motif in a frontier wilderness environment. But what happens when the plains you settled no longer have wild animals but present challenges of skyscrapers, traffic jams, housing and food distribution issues? How do we change our motif from “dog eat dog” to communal cooperation? We encourage you to bring a friend to worship as we observe Membership Sunday.
YRUU Bake Sale
YRUU Bake Sale
Worship Associates Retreat
FIA & Rev. Greg - Remembrance of Victims of Gun Violence - Offsite
Join Faith In Action and Rev. Greg To Remember Victims of Gun Violence: Sun, Dec 17, 4pm-5pm. UUSM/Offsite.
Come with us and join other members of our community at an interfaith vigil for all victims of gun violence, part of the nationwide Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath from Dec. 15-17th. We will meet at 4pm outside our church and coordinate rides.The vigil will be at St. Monica’s Catholic Church from 4:30pm-5pm inside the church, which is located at 725 California Ave., Santa Monica.
There will be a brief program and bell ringing ceremony to remember all victims of gun violence as well as discussion about how citizens can act to stop or reduce all of the senseless killing.
Stop by the Faith In Action Table or contact James Witker,
Nominating Committee Event
"Num Num with the NomCom - Meet the nominating Committee and enjoy a donut" on January 21 after both services
December, 2017
Catherine Tirr: Watercolors

Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service (5:00 p.m.)
Sing-Along Second Sunday Supper
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Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! Children are absolutely welcome!