FIA and Music - Presenting Roy Zimmerman: ReZist!

Comm Team Meeting
Nominating Committee Meeting
FIA - Lunches for Bunches
Second Sunday Supper - on Haitus (no supper in January)
Right Relations Dialogue Circles
Right Relations Dialogue Circles
Seniors Exercise Class for UUSM Members - NO CLASS TODAY
Weekly Senior Exercise Class: (Body-Mind Tune Up). Forbes. Bruno Lacombe is conducting exercise classes for seniors, super-seniors and people with physical difficulties for UUSM members. Classes are no-charge for UUSM members; non-members suggested donation $10 per class to UUSM. Contact: Bruno Lacombe,.
Classes at no charge for UUSM Members.
January, 2018
The UUSM Art Wall Shows off Quilts in January!
Please join us for our January Art Wall Opening Reception on Sunday, January 7 from 12:00 noon – 1:30pm when we welcome seasoned quilting artist Cathy Seidman, aka The Crazy Quilter. Cathy says, “I have been a textile artist for as long as I can remember I have been a quilt maker for the last fifteen years.,” She has been very active in the Santa Monica Quilt Guild and the Westside Quilt Guild. Come meet the artist and see what imagi - nation looks like as a quilt. Contact our Art Director, Beverly Alison for further info about this show or about exhibiting on our Art Wall.