D4$ - Craft Beer
Date / Time:
Saturday, July 21, 2018 - 12:30pm - 4:00pm
Contact Name:
Haley Paddock
D4$ - Beauty and the Beast Sing Along (Live action version of 2017)
Bonjour! Beauties, Beasts, and all Villagers in between are welcome to sing-along until the last petal drops. The Beauty and the Beast Sing-along (2017 live action version) gives the chance to belt our your favorites and there’s always rollicking fun with audience commentary. (Be loud and proud, Lefou!)
All-you-can-eat gourmet hotdogs from Let’s Be Frank starts at 5 pm, so come early. Popcorn, candy, water, and sodas are all included. New this year: opportunity prizes! One chance with entry, extra tickets $1 each. Win some fun Beauty and the Beast swag.
The movie starts around 5:45 pm; definitely by 6.
Thanks to our Dining for Dollars hosts Patrick Meighan and Amy Thiel, the price for all this a pre-purchased D4$ reservation or a donation at the door: suggested $15.
Ball gowns, beast’s claws, and other costumes optional, but most welcome. Join us for an enchanting evening.

Date / Time:
Saturday, November 10, 2018 - 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Contact Name:
Amy Theil
The iPhone and the Pine
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Jacki Weber
Worship Associate:
Abby Arnold
"Come Over the Hills and Far With Me" - Our transcendentalist forebearers rooted the holiness of nature into our Unitarian Universalist beliefs. The family of UU congregations in the southwest has a place where we can practice our faith as a community: Camp de Benneville Pines. This service will explore the transcendental experiences that happen to campers of all ages.
A Stroke of Insight
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Rev. Greg Ward
Worship Associate:
Catherine Grasso
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a neuro-anatomist. She knew the brain. She studied the specific functioning of different parts of the brain and the way they work together to create our understanding of reality. She learned - the hard way - how to feel more connected, more centered and more at one with all things: just step to the right of your left brain.
Audio is unavailable for this sermon
Butterflies and Zebras and Moonbeams and Fairy Tales (Daylight Savings Time Begins)
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Rev. Greg Ward
Worship Associate:
Margot Page
Butterflies and Zebras and moonbeams... and fairy tales.... What do you list when you write out your happily ever after? What dreams have carried you and where do you turn and how have you done in your search for ways to make these dreams come true? This morning we will explore the real stuff of dreams and the courageous path through toil, trouble and danger that makes getting there so worthwhile.
What Women Really Want
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Rev. Greg Ward
Worship Associate:
Abby Arnold
What do Women really want? A minister - who is a man - takes a hard look at the denomination he serves and notices that it is very quickly becoming less and less by men, with men, for men; and looks at the trajectory of vision that is coming out of our general culture - also coming to terms with how the white / male dominate perspective has some serious humble pie to swallow if it really wants to understand freedom and justice for all people. This is a sermon about coming to terms with 'What Women Really Want.'
Women's Alliance Meeting - postponed
Date / Time:
Sunday, September 30, 2018 - 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Contact Name:
Joyce Holmen
D4$ - "Make Your Own Hand Built Ceramic Mug"
Date / Time:
Saturday, March 24, 2018 - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Contact Name:
Bob Dietz