Adult Programs - International Folk Dancing with Instructors
They say that dancing is combining fun with exercise and friends! Learn international folk dancing with instructors Sandy Helperin and Teri Hoffman. Folk dancing is for anyone who loves to move to traditional music. New dancers are welcome – there are no partners required. Donations accepted.
April, 2018
Father and Daughter: Tom and Ellie Peters

Church Office is closed in observance of Memorial Day
Church Office is closed in observance of Independence Day
Sunday Service
Parking is provided at the UCLA structure on Sunday mornings.
Meeting Rentals

Communication Skills Workshop

Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service - "What Does It Mean to be a Community of Emergence?"
Earth Day

Alison Kendall, Green Living Committee Chair and James Witker, Faith in Action Co-chair present an Earth Day awareness-generating service which explores what you can do personally and organizationally to address the threat of climate change to future generations and all living systems.
During this awareness-generating service on what has been happening with climate justice, we explore our response to those who say, "it's beyond the point of hope," and understand how the choices that we make matter a great deal. The trick is to summon the great spiritual awakening: that our choices have great impact on people who live in the future and in other places, but we are still accountable to them.