Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service @ 5 p.m. - "What Does It Mean to be a Community of Blessing?"
Sabbath Moments
Abraham and the Peach Seed Monkey
Marlon Bundo: What You Need to Know about Lessening Shame
The Blessings of Tone-Deafness and Arrhythmicism
LA Pride Parade - offsite
Visitor Meetup
We welcome all newcomers and drop-in visitors to our Visitor Meetup, usually held on the first Sunday of the month at 12:30 after the second service. Check the Order of Service for any updates. We also have informal Visitor Meetups in Forbes Hall during our inter-hour, on the right-hand couch area. If you come late, ask for Sarah Robson. We will answer your curious questions as best we can – what is Unitarian Universalism, what is our mission, what are our ethical principles, the history of our church, our programs, and how to become involved. Along with our own stories, you will also be given the opportunity to share with us your story, what you are searching for, and how you found us. Refreshments will be provided.
Contact Nina Emerson at nina.emerson@gmail.com and Sarah Robson at seraphima23@gmail.com, co-chairs of the Membership Committee.
Facilities Development Committee - Beautify the UUSM Campus
Memorial Bricks Installation