Lunches for Bunches
Date / Time:
Sunday, July 22, 2018 - 11:00am - 11:45am
Contact Name:
Dorothy Steinicke
Adult RE Workshop - Emergence, a Creative Universe, and You
Religious Exploration for Adults presents this since-session class and discussion with James Witker, adapted from a Freethinker Forum held by AAHS this past Spring…
EMERGENCE (Emergent Properties) is a cross-disciplinary idea in science, philosophy, and art dealing with complex systems arising from -- and having properties not merely defined by -- their simpler component parts. Some examples include snowflakes, fractals, galaxies, and life itself.
Whether by blind chance, the whims of quantum spacetime, the Multiverse, or something more deeply mysterious about the nature of Reality, we live in a universe whose internal dynamics are geared toward the development of complex structures -- otherwise we wouldn’t be here at all! Mathematical Cosmologist Brian Swimme says: “This is the greatest discovery of the scientific enterprise: You take hydrogen gas, and you leave it alone, and it turns into rosebushes, giraffes, and humans.” (https://
Emergence seems to be a synergy of the laws of the universe that allows for what systems biologist and MacArthur “Genius Grant” recipient Stuart Kauffman calls “ceaseless and explosive creativity” under the right conditions. There is much that we don’t understand about it, and it is an exciting new frontier in science. Some would suggest that what we are coming to understand about emergent complexity defies the “reductionism” that has been a hallmark of scientific thought since Galileo and Newton.
And where might a concept of God fit in? For most of human history, people have seen a divine hand or some kind of animating intelligence behind the workings of our world and its creative properties. But the steady march of science has revealed a universe obedient to fixed natural laws and chaotically governed by chance. These days, most atheists will say that there is no reliable evidence for anything in or beyond the cosmos that can be called “God.” Meanwhile, newer movements in religion and spirituality, such as Pantheism, Panentheism and some Religious Naturalists, have sought to re-define God as something akin to nature itself, or the inherent creativity within it.
oin us for an exploration of Emergence in a humanistic frame. We will try to understand this concept better, ask some questions to get at what is still mysterious, and grow our appreciation of nature’s awesome self-organizing dynamics.
Date / Time:
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Contact Name:
James Witker
Adult RE - Transforming the Inner Critic -Offsite
Transforming the Inner Critic
With Bev Shoenberger & Norman Richey, Saturday, 8/11 from 1 to 4 pm
Location: Bev & Norm's home in Santa Monica
Please pre-register at 424-235-9002 or at the RE table
In our culture, many of us often blame and shame ourselves in ways that we would never openly do to someone else.
We can be so used to the self-doubt and self-criticism that it seems like the truth, or that we deserve it. Maybe we believe that the inner critic is what keeps us “in line” and safe from being shamed by others. Maybe we think we need the critical voice to stay motivated. Maybe we project it onto others and imagine it is their criticism that is solely responsible for our suffering.
In this introduction, we will be looking directly at our Inner Critic and learning to discriminate it from our deepest inner truth. Taking this workshop could be a first step in turning these judgmental voices into allies.
Imagine the light that could come into our community and the world, if we could live more fully, without being undermined by self-criticism or self-doubt!
You are warmly invited to join us for this afternoon of exploration and growth. We are meeting in our home because of parking difficulties at the church during that time slot. Let us know when you register if you will be needing a ride from the church - we are nearby.
Date / Time:
Saturday, August 11, 2018 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Contact Name:
Norman Richey
Beverly Shoenberger
July, 2018
Join Us in July for Our Annual Congregational Art Wall Show

The Art Wall Opening Reception for UU Santa Monica Artists will be held on Sunday, July 1, from 11 am to 12:30 pm. This annual event, hosted by Diana Spears, includes art created by our own UUSM members. Come down and see some of the amazing talent we have within our own community! A variety of mediums will be on display, including some for sale. From ceramics to paintings and photographs, there will be a whole lot of talent on display!

Nominating Committee Meeting
Date / Time:
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Contact Name:
Liza Cranis
Board - Regional Leadership Retreat Training
Date / Time:
Saturday, September 8, 2018 - 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Contact Name:
Beth Brownlie
Freedom Through Commitment
Sunday, July 29, 2018 - 10:00am
Ian Dodd
Worship Associate:
Margot Page
Freedom Through Commitment Freedom of choice is great, but TOO much freedom can be paralyzing. Psychologists have shown that more choices don't lead to more happiness, but less. But when we set out to create a life of meaning, rather than just the pursuit of happiness, we can find freedom by eliminating the plethora of choices available and commiting ourselves to things greater than ourselves. In this sermon, we will explore what author Emily Esfahani Smith calls "the 4 Pillars of Meaning."
What Do I Stand For?
Sunday, July 22, 2018 - 10:00am
Leon Henderson-MacLennan
Worship Associate:
Catherine Grasso
Please join us for a take home message TBD from our late winter "BYOT-Ethics Meets the Fifth UU Principle" group.
Using ethics as a way of articulating one’s current beliefs and practices – in a word, “theology” – we explore connections to our Fifth Principle which calls us to “affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process.”
Darwin, Natural Faith and the New Story
Sunday, July 15, 2018 - 10:00am
James Witker
Worship Associate:
Dorothy Steinicke
Darwin, Natural Faith, and the New Story Darwin's legacy transformed modern scientific understanding *and* liberal religion, upending prior certainties that were thousands of years old; and both challenging and expanding concepts of god(s) and the divine. Emerson and Thoreau, Transcendentalists who came out of the Unitarian tradition, had already helped to kindle a new ethic of interconnectedness with nature, and they accepted Darwin's work when it was shocking and brand new. But it’s still shocking today. Evolution is accepted scientific fact, but a significantly large (nearly half, according to surveys) number of people in our country still don’t accept it. Why are science and religon still so often at war? As Unitarian Universalists, are we attuned to the New Story that is emerging?
Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service @ 5 p.m. - "What Does It Mean to be a Community of Freedom?"
Sunday, July 8, 2018 - 5:00pm
Dorothy Steinicke
Heart & Soul is a contemplative worship service series that occurs on the second Sunday of each month. It is a shorter, more intimate service, with singing and instrumental music, statements, and questions, silence, and sharing. Readings, poems, quotes, and music are drawn from a variety of sources, including the UU Soul Matters Sharing Circle, our hymnals, and popular/folk music.
Please note audio is currently unavailable for Heart & Soul services.