Babies, Bathwater and the Belonging that is Our Birthright
We are living in an age of disillusion. Some of the fundamental ideals we were taught to accept and revere in our younger days, turn out to be unhelpful - even hurtful - when we task them with guiding us through the complexities of this new age. It is tempting to throw out everything we were told - lock, stock and barrel - and turn to our own wits and self-reliance to get us through. But sometimes throwing the baby out with the bathwater is a recipe for cynicism. And we are forced to ask ourselves whether it might be better to rebuild what we have left behind.
Animal House
Adult Programs - "A Year to Live" by Rev Greg
RRT - Listening Circle
Please join the Right Relations Team and Support in welcoming the the new church year by attending the first Listening Circle of the year. All are invited.
We will be reflecting on questions of how we are fulfilled by church, what barriers may exist, and whether this influences how we show up for each other. Listening Circles provide an opportunity to speak our truths respectfully, without being offered advice, "fixing" or feedback, in a supportive environment.
Give it another try on Sunday, September 30th from 1-3pm, Southeast Cottage, snacks provided.
Stop by the Right Relations Table after services for more information, or contact us at
RRT - Covenant Workshop
FIA - Presents Wage Theft and Ice in the Workplace with KIWA
MUSIC - Memorare: A Service of Remembrance
We are continuing the tradition of holding a Sunday service honoring those who have died over the past year. If you have a name or names you would like to have included please let music director Saunder Choi know by October 21..
The service will be held in the sanctuary and will feature music by a variety of composers.
FIA/Peace and Social Justice - November ballot measures presentation
The League of Women Voters will present the November ballot measures.
Parking will be provided.
September, 2018
ZAP: An Exhibition by Artists in Eastern Zimbabwe
ZAP: An exhibition by Artists in Eastern Zimbabwe
Opening Reception Sunday, September 2
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM • Forbes Hall