Adult Programs - Awakening the Sage Within - A FREE workshop with Connie Zweig
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.” ~ Carl Jung
Today, for the first time in history, most people approaching their elder years can expect to live for another two or three decades. But how do you want to live those years? Research now shows that people with positive self-perceptions as they age will live longer, healthier lives.
We will gather for two 3-hour workshops to explore Sage-ing or conscious aging, a model for late life that can help us to live with more awareness, joy, and purpose facilitated by Connie Zweig, Ph.D. Sat. April 27, 2:00-5:00 pm and Sunday, April 28 2:00-5:00 pm Unitarian Universalist Church: 1260 18th St.
Contact the Director of RE
Recommended reading:
"From Age-ing to Sage-ing"
by Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi.
A FREE workshop with Connie Zweig, Ph.D.
Sat. April 27, 2:00-5:00 pm and Sun. April 28 2:00-5:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church: 1260 18th St.
The Program: Today, for the first time in history, most people approaching their elder years can expect to live for another two or three decades. But how do you want to live those years? Research now shows that people with positive self-perceptions as they age will live longer, healthier lives.
We will gather for two 3-hour workshops to explore Sage-ing or conscious aging, a model for late life that can help us to live with more awareness, joy, and purpose. This inner work of aging opens the opportunity for seniors to become Elders--Awakening the Sage Within.
We will introduce aging as a spiritual journey, our images/fears of aging, harvesting wisdom from our life review, forgiveness to release the past, and facing our mortality.
The Presenter: Connie has been in private practice as a therapist in Los Angeles for 25 years. I am the co-author of the bestsellers Meeting the Shadow and Romancing the Shadow, author of Meeting the Shadow of Spirituality, and the forthcoming book The Reinvention of Age. I am a Certified Sage-ing Leader with Sage-ing International.
Pre-registration is required at No walk-ins.
Recommended reading: From Age-ing to Sage-ing by Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi.
Lunches for Bunches
RE - Safe Sitter Training
Safe Sitter Class! Safe Sitter® teaches young babysitters how to handle crises and how to nurture and guide young child. Safe Sitter® babysitters help children stay safe and sound while their parents are away. In the process, these 11 to 18-year-olds emerge as more confident, responsible and compassionate teens and adults.
Bring a lunch!
Contact Kathleen for more details and to sign up.
YRUU Fun Night
Nominating Committee Meeting
Adult Programs - Men's Me Too
Join Rev. Greg for the next three Sundays, all men are invited to attend a class for men about gender inequity. We will explore what makes a man a man and what are kind of social conditioning goes into making a man that grants privilege and what goes in that is painful and even dehumanizing (for men as well as women).
Next dates: January 20 & January 27.
Contact Rev. Greg at Read the Men #MeToo Class Note
Adult Programs - Women's Me Too
Adult Programs - Women's Me Too
These classes run as a series. Please plan to attend them all. It will be a small class of 8 people max.
Please RSVP with Robin at
Newsletter for January, 2019
To the Glory of Life: Possibility
Welcome, New Members!

Holiday 2018 Photoessay: Tradition and Fresh Perspectives

Second Sunday Cinema: “The Great White Hoax: Donald Trump and the Politics of Race & Class in America”
Sunday, January 13, 7:30 p.m.
UU Rendez-Vous for the Women’s March
Saturday, January 19, 9:00 am
Sunday, February 17 & February 24:
Dining for Dining for $$$ Dollars Auctions

December UUSM News Podcast: News plus Rev. Greg on Holiday Services

December 11, 2018 Board Meeting Highlights
Choir and Friends – Spreading Holiday Cheer!