April, 2019
Phillip Timper's Themes of Vibrant Colors

FIA - Lunches for Bunches
All in the Same Boat - Now What?
Our beautiful blue boat home is in jeopardy. How do we approach this enormous threat in an effective, collaborative way. How can we act locally and globally. Discuss Climate change as element of class and cultural oppression. UU Common Read "Justice on Earth."
Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Environment, edited by Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom (Skinner House Books, 2018). Copies of the book are available in Forbes Hall on Sundays and online from uuabookstore.org. A discussion guide is at https://www.uua.org/books/read
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Easter Service: The Easter Exam
One of the great things about Unitarian Universalists is the freedom we enjoy in choosing our own beliefs. Having emerged in the religious world as people who were persecuted for not automatically aligning with the orthodoxy, we've assumed a certain pride in bucking the religious trends. And, although a great many UUs may not use the religious descriptor, "Christian" to describe themselves, there is a certain glee ALL UUs find in Easter that comes from watching the minister attempt the impossible task of explaining Easter to a crowded room of people who don't agree. But the conundrum of Easter is larger than one minister, or all UUs - even larger than Christianity.
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Do Not Pass Me By (Passover Service)
Greek philosopher Heraclitus once talked about our quest for stabilty and permanence and the pain that's inevitable in a world that never stops unfolding and evolving. He said, 'The only thing constant in this world is change.' Buddhists have a similar take, citing 'impermanance' as a more accurate descriptor of what we often call 'reality.' This is what led them to the third noble truth which describes suffering as brought about by attachment to the way things are. Before we can get to this month's theme of wholness, we have to learn to accept change. “Belum,” by the way, is an Indonesian word which means “Not Quite Yet” — as in, “not quite finished.”
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FIA - Activist Training with Sunrise LA

LRE - BB Squared Book Review and Discussion
Young Adult Brunch and Tax Event
Adult Programs - UUA Common Read Group