AAHS Freethinker Forum - Cancelled this month
Discussion and Support for Persons with Disabilities
Come and join us as we share stories, inspirations and find community with each other. The group offers a forum in which members can feel the benefit of its mutual support. Previous topics include: how to improve the quality of one’s life overall and how to use structure, aides and devices more successfully/productively/efficiently in one’s life.
The Disability Support Group is promoting a dialogue on a selected topic at each of its meetings throughout this church year. The next meeting has been changed to Sunday, September 29, and the topic will be "Money Management, Finances, and ABLE accounts." Join us in the NE Cottage at 11:45 am (we're adjusting to the Sunday Service schedule change).
All church members interested in the topic are invited to attend. Contact: Michael Young. October's meeting will be on Sunday, October 27, when the topic will be, "Personal Boundaries." This will be at 11:45 am also.
Contact Michael Young for more information.
R/E - Collage Group with Stan Bemis
FIA - LA Interfaith Solidarity March - offsite
Join Faith In Action for the LA Interfaith Solidarity March - Sun. Sep. 22nd 12:30PM
The last several years have seen a rise in hateful rhetoric, vandalism and violence against our Jewish and Muslim neighbors, and so it is more important than ever that we march together in solidarity for tolerance, peace, and religious freedom with people of all faiths. Join Faith In Action in supporting the 4th Annual Interfaith Solidarity March, which is now part of a worldwide movement. We will coordinate rides from UUSM to the Islamic Center of Southern California, where the march will begin and end. This is a fun, inspiring event that features speakers from many traditions and a chance to connect with new friends. Refreshments will be served. Bring UU attire — and help spread the word! All are welcome. More info here: https://www.instituteforreligioustolerance.org/
Contact: justice@uusm.org
August, 2019
Charles Haskell: The First UU Principle
Charles Haskell

A Boundless Light
Nominating Committee - Showcase Sunday
International Folk Dancing with Instructors
They say that dancing is combining fun with exercise and friends! Learn international folk dancing with instructors Sandy Helperin and Teri Hoffman. Folk dancing is for anyone who loves to move to traditional music. New dancers are welcome – there are no partners required. Donations accepted.
Please enter from the Arizona door.
Future Dates: Oct 19, Nov 9 and Dec 14
UU Men's Group
The Men's Group offers a special opportunity to the men of the congregation and other like minded men to join our welcoming group in provocative and stimulating discussion and to get to know others with UU perspectives in a more meaningful way.
We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:30 PM in the NE room of the Cottage.
The topic for Oct. 3 continues from our last meeting when only two guys could describe: What has been your biggest life blunder, if you had one, or something close, and how did it turn out?
The topic for Oct. 17 is a huge problem in LA and Santa Monica: What do you believe is necessary to turn around the homeless problem in LA County? For more information contact Richard Mathias at 310-645-1070 or richmathias2@yahoo.com
UU Men's Group
The Men's Group offers a special opportunity to the men of the congregation and other like-minded men to join our welcoming group in provocative and stimulating discussion and to get to know others with UU perspectives in a more meaningful way. We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:30 PM in the NE room of the Cottage.
The topic for Sept. 5 is: What has been your biggest life blunder, if you had one, or something close, and how did it turn out?
The topic for Sept. 19 is: What single event or experience during your childhood do you believe had the biggest effect on how your life turned out? For more information contact Richard Mathias at 310-645-1070.