UUA General Assembly Worship: "Until Love Wins" (Online Service)

We will stream this service, as we usually do, at 10 a.m. on Sunday, on our Facebook page. No changes from our previous services this year.
Our Brightly Burning Flame (Online Service)

Queer Pride! (Online Service)

Call to Imagination (Online Service)

"Playing Nicely" - UUSM Sunday Service - May 30, 2021
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke
Sunday, June 20, 2:30pm-4pm
This will be our first foray into observing and journaling on objects that are
not living. Yet, even though rocks are not alive, they are dynamic and
changing. We will use drawing and writing to help us observe sand, soil and
All are welcome. We observe what we observe in the ways that work best
for us. No previous knowledge or skills are required. Curiosity is the best
For this session participants are asked to come with a tablespoon full of
sand, a tablespoon full of soil, three pebbles that look and feel different from
each other, scotch tape and a magnifying glass as well as journaling
materials; something to write/draw with and something to write/draw on.
If you have difficulty obtaining sand or soil, let Dorothy know and she will
send you some.
A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy has more than twenty years
experience encouraging people to a love for the natural world. She leads
hikes for children and adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands and Dockweiler State Beach.
Please email Teri Lucas at uusmreassist@uusm.org for the zoom link.
"Buddhist Wisdom" - UUSM Sunday Service - May 23, 2021
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
Arizona Lobby Repair Town Hall Meeting - Zoom
Contact admin@uusm.org for the zoom link.
"Animal Liberation" - UUSM Sunday Service - May 16, 2021
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
UUSM 2021-22 Finance/Budget Townhall Meeting - Zoom
There will also be a meeting to discuss the financial status of the church and budget for the 2021–2022 year meeting. Join this meeting on Sunday, June 6, 11:30 am.
Contact treasurer@uusm.org or admin@uusm.org for Zoom information