February, 2017
Justin Tzorfas - Nature-Inspired Vibrant Landscapes
Bring the vibrant world of nature indoors this February when landscape artist Justin Tzorfas joins the UU Santa Monica Art Wall. We look forward to seeing you at the Opening Reception on Sunday, February 5 from 12:00 noon – 1:30pm. The exhibit will run through the end of the month.
Justin Tzorfas is a young artist creating dazzling landscape paintings inspired by his love of nature. This twenty year old college student has already created a vibrant collection of works early in his career as an artist. Inspired by the local landscapes of Southern California, Justin’s works portray a variety of natural settings: from oceans, to meadows to tropical motifs.
Justin explains that his love of art and nature started early and was inspired by childhood moments with his mom, “I grew up gardening with my mom…She taught me how to grow organic fruits and vegetables as well as flowers in our backyard. We would also go to pet stores to see all the exotic animals. My love for nature came from doing things with my mom. It has inspired me to paint landscapes…”
Justin’s persistence in his passion has led to a recent feature in issue 27 of Artists Portfolio Magazine, Annual Portraits Issue. His explains, “Art is what I feel and how I feel. Art is my infinite outcome of feelings…I put my visions and memories of nature on canvas.” We are very proud to welcome this young, emerging artist to the Santa Monica Art Wall. Come down and take a look at the variety of landscapes that our region inspires!
Contact our Art Director, Beverly Alison,for further info about this show or about exhibiting on our Art Wall.
— Jackie Schwab
Open Hours Event
As we enter this time of ministerial transition, you may want to spend some time with our Minister to share your thoughts, feelings, or stories of our time together, as we begin to say goodbye. Open Hours are hosted by a member of our Board of Directors and/or our Right Relations Task Force with our Minister and intended to open space and time in our life together for a compassionate leavetaking.
For our Feb 15 Open Hours, hosted by Board Member and Treasurer Kim Miller, you are welcome to drop in or rsvp to Rev. Rebecca at minister@uusm.org or Kim Miller <kmillerlaw@aol.com> to let us you know will be stopping by.
Heart to Heart Circles
Lunches for Bunches
Peace and Social Justice - Guest Speaker Shelly Tochluk
Second Sunday Supper talk in May will be:
"Feeling the Push to be an Ally for Racial Justice? Concerns, Conundrums and Contradictions."
RE - Senior OWL Parent Orientation
PSWD Elementary Camp at de Benneville Pines

YRUU - Valentine babysitting
Drop off the kids for a Valentine's Day Date!

Adult R/E - Canticle to Cosmos video
Canticle to the Cosmos
A scientific and spiritual odyssey through the evolutionary origins of the universe, life, and humanity. We will view and discuss this 12-part video course by cosmologist and religious naturalist Brian Swimme, who seeks to provide people with a scientific *and* sacred understanding of cosmic origins, divine creativity, and an ecological consciousness urgently needed in our time. In his book, “The Universe Is a Green Dragon,” Swimme writes, “Our ancestry stretches back through the life forms and into the stars, back to the beginnings of the primeval fireball. This universe is a single multiform energetic unfolding of matter, mind, intelligence and life. None of the great figures of human history were aware of this, not Plato or Aristotle, or the Hebrew Prophets, or Confucius… We are the first generation to live with an empirical view of the origin of the universe… to look into the night sky and see the birth of the cosmos as a whole. Our future as a species will be forged within this new story of the world.”
Every Sunday starting February 5, 4–6 pm, in Forbes Hall except February 12, March 12, and April 9 when it will be held in the Cottage.
Facilitator: James Witker, contact: jwitker@mac.com