December, 2018
Bettye Barclay: Now and Then

PSJ - Preview screening "The Great White Hoax: Donald Trump & the Politics of Race & Class in America"
LRE Committee Retreat - cancelled
A Sense of Purpose (one service only @ 11:00 a.m.)
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (6 p.m. and 8 p.m.)
Ring the Bells and Light the Lights (4 p.m.)
The Star of Bethlehem
Winter Solstice Celebration
Newsletter for December 2018
To the Glory of Life: About “Mystery”
On Gratitude and Year-End Giving - Open Your Heart and Support the Community that Nurtures You
Dear Friends,
- My closest UUSM friends who model what unconditional acceptance looks like;
- The colleagues whom I’ve come to love as we work together helping make this a more joyful and vibrant faith community;
- Every one of you committed to love and service within and beyond our UUSM walls;
- The children who provide hope for the future;
- Our Minister, Rev. Greg, for choosing to spend his life building a stronger Unitarian Universalist faith;
- The countless blessings that I do nothing to do deserve, including life itself, my family, my health, my able-bodiedness, my privilege, and more.
What are you grateful for? I would like to know. Please drop me a line. I’m just a text or email, phone call, or holiday card away.
Second Sunday Supper Sings for the Holidays!
Adult RE Book Group
Please join us for "Recognizing and Resisting Racist Responses," a discussion of academic and whiteness studies lecturer Robin DiAngelo's new book, "White Fragility." We will share our responses to the author's perspectives on implicit bias and structural racism, and explore the unconscious strategies that white folks engage in to defend against the notion that they are complicit. Books are available for purchase at the Lifespan R.E. table. For further information, please contact Roberta Frye or Audrey Lyness.
Save the Date
Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6 pm. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own. Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.
We proudly announce that due to your amazing generosity and participation, the proceeds from last year's D4$, after expenses, was a record-breaking $37, 343. Our campaign for 2019 is about to start and soon you will hear from one of us as to how we can make 2019 another banner year. Time to start thinking about what event you might host in the coming year. If you want new ideas, please let us help, though we do love repeats! With sincere gratitude to all those who host and to all those who bid.
Garden of Eternity. Donate a brick engraved with your loved one’s name.
Holiday Office Closures
December Worship Services Include Seven Holiday Celebrations
FIA Winter Clothing Drive
Cookies needed!
Kathleen Hogue is seeking cookie/brownie donations for our Christmas Eve Services. Please bring in either home made or store bought holiday cookies no later than Sunday December 23rd. Let her know that you will be bringing them ahead of time by sending an email to
RE Events
December 22, 8:30 am, Forbes Hall, RE Pancake Breakfast for Parents, children and friends! Join us for pancakes and all the fixings along with a bouncy castle for the kids! Donations of $5 per person are requested to cover the costs and to go toward our Spirit Grant fund for the RE Assistant. No one will be turned away.
Thursday, December 20 7:30 – 11 pm (7:30 – 9 pm “Kid Safe”) Join our staff and members for another community service opportunity: "Volunteer With One Voice" : 3021 Airport Avenue, Santa Monica Airport Santa Monica, CA 90405 (The Santa Monica Air Center) We will be sorting and packaging the food for needy families. This is the night that is most appropriate for children as well as adults. We continue long into the night, usually finishing around 11:00 PM. Please register online in advance and have a copy on your phone to show at the door when you arrive between 7:30-8:30 PM. REGISTER HERE: