UUSM Earth-Moving Financial Meeting
Plan to attend the UUSM Earth-Moving Financial Meeting on March 24 at 12:15 to get your financial hardhat and flashlight! Our pledge drive is over, and this event will look at how we did and some options for next steps that we can think about.
Following the meeting there will be the
Young Adult Brunch and Tax event
Are you new to doing your taxes? Do you want to know difference between standard and itemized deductions, or what "write it off" means? And what really is an audit anyway? Come to the young adult brunch in Forbes on March 24th after the Early Warning event for our long awaited bagels from Bagel Nosh, and hear Gar and Nina have a chat about tax basics just in time for the filing date on April 15! We are asking everyone to chip in 5 dollars to help cover the cost of the bagels.
Date / Time:
Sunday, March 24, 2019 - 12:15pm - 1:00pm
Contact Name:
Rev. Greg.
Kit Shaw
Jacki Weber
Robin Stillwater
YRUU Rehearsal
Date / Time:
Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 10:00am - 4:00pm
Contact Name:
Kathleen Hogue
FIA - Lunches for Bunches
Please join the Hunger Task Force as we assemble bagged lunches for the homeless under the courtyard shade structure.
Date / Time:
Sunday, March 24, 2019 - 10:15am - 11:00am
Contact Name:
Patrick Meighan
Stewardship Kick-off Luncheon and Art Wall Reception
Please join us this Sunday, March 3, after the 11 am service in Forbes Hall for a special luncheon to kick-off the March Stewardship Campaign.
Come meet the honorary Stewardship chairs, the Rev. Emeritus Ernie Pipes and long-time UUSM member, Helen Brown, pick up your individualized Pledge Packet and meet your "Connector!"
All are welcome to celebrate our connection and share our hopes and stories.
Date / Time:
Sunday, March 3, 2019 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm
March, 2019
Carol Ring and Diana Spears
he March Art Wall Exhibit kicks off with a reception on Sunday, March 3 at 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm in Forbes Hall. This month’s exhibit features a collaboration of the work of two talented artists who are members of our church.
Carol Ring

Carol Ring is a graphic designer and artist whose work is generated from her collection of abstract photos, taken over many years. She has developed a unique style of combining and layering photos, using translucent filters in Photoshop. Lately adding words or sentences to the mix, she has chosen to print these 8” x 8” pieces with a process of infused dyes onto coated brushed aluminum.
This is Carol’s eighth show, fourth on the UUSM Art Wall in the last 15 years; her award-winning work hangs in both private and corporate collections.
In her current exhibition, “Just Say Yes,” Carol has pared her message down to the single word YES, along with a few other affirmative words or phrases, quotes from Carl G. Jung, Eckhart Tolle and Dag Hammarskjold. All convey the positive notion: To get what you want, want what you get.
“It seems to be characteristic of the human condition that how we mentally label an experience (i.e., ‘good’ or ‘bad’) determines how we feel about it. In other words, we suffer when we want things to be different from how they are,” Carol said.
As Tina Fey advises in this pointer toward a happier life: “Say Yes. You’ll figure it out afterward.”
See these and more of Carol Ring’s work at yessy.com/carolring
Diana Spears

“Without err there would be no evolution as mutation is a variable built into the system of creation itself,” Spears said. “There is no is that isn’t; without the ying there is no yang; we are subsumed in each other. Those who deny this reality live in hubris and can cause great harm.” People can forgive the words said but will remember how it made them feel. The err is not just a human phenomenon, but also part of the realms of creation — all reflected in this exhibit.
To view this month’s exhibit after the March 3 reception, contact Nancy Thompson. Accessible parking is available behind the church.
Contact Beverly Alison for Art Wall inquiries.
OFFSITE - Camp de Benneville Weekend
Date / Time:
Repeats every day until Sun Sep 15 2019 .
Friday, September 13, 2019 - 8:00am - 11:00pmSaturday, September 14, 2019 - 8:00am - 11:00pm
Sunday, September 15, 2019 - 8:00am - 11:00pm
Second Sunday Cinema - Conspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Conspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Join us for Second Sunday Cinema in March, sponsored by the Green Living Committee and Peace & Social Justice Committee.
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged.
As Andersen approaches leaders in the environmental movement, he increasingly uncovers what appears to be an intentional refusal to discuss the issue of animal agriculture, while industry whistleblowers and watchdogs warn him of the risks to his freedom and even his life if he dares to persist.

Date / Time:
Sunday, March 10, 2019 - 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Contact Name:
James Witker
AAHS Freethinker Forum
AAHS (Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists (Freethinker Forum Sunday 1:30-3:00 PM in the Cottage
In honor of Black History Month, AAHS: Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists continues to expore the legacy of freethought and humanism within African American thought and culture, and its impact on efforts for racial and social justice in our time. We will consider some short reading excerpts and video clips, emphasizing the scholarship and thought of Dr. Anthony Pinn, scholar of religion and Humanist philosophy, professor at Rice University, and an African American Unitarian Universalist Atheist/Humanist.
Join us for a thought-provoking and lively conversation! A diversity of viewpoints are always welcomed and encouraged.
Please note later start time due to D4$ bidding.
Contact: aahs@uusm.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/632659870537404/
Date / Time:
Sunday, February 24, 2019 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Contact Name:
James Witker
AAHS - Screening "Humanitas: A Conscious Coloring of Kindness"
Join us for an exclusive screening and West Coast premiere of a unique new film that explores humanism, racial justice, and some little-known history! Filmmaker Jé Hooper, a leader-in-traning with the American Ethical Union, will be present for a Q&A.
Felix Adler (Ritchie Szoke), the founder and philosopher of the Ethical Culture Movement, and W.E.B. DuBois (Joe Tolbert), the author of "the Souls of Black Folk" and activist-scholar, are re-imagined in this histo-contemporary retrospective of July 1900.
(View the trailer: https://youtu.be/wbWi1eEzUro)
Throughout this experimental film, we journey with Adler and DuBois through a series of poetic prose, soulful music and choreo-movements, as they stir in one another justice through a new lens of nonreligious ethics, African-based spirituality, and civil philosophy.
DuBois, after completing a variety of lectures and books is endowed by the "spirit-of-rightness" with a new love for the intersectionality of Africaniety, where all lives can't matter until black lives matter. As a result, his passion becomes contagious to anyone who comes in contact with his infectious conscious-kindness--his heart-work becomes the coloring of white spaces.
Through an encounter with DuBois, Adler "weighs the soul" of the young negro leader and establishes a life-changing relationship that is solidified at the first Pan-African Conference at the Westminster Hall in London.
Adler is also challenged by this consciousness, conflicted by the thoughts of other intellectuals, who reveal a hidden unethical, racist agenda for scholastic fame, and a refusal to acknowledge the true souls and spirits of black folks.
Co-sponsored by AAHS: Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists and the UU Santa Monica Peace & Justice Team in collaboration with the Ethical Culture Society of Los Angeles.
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1511515112319346/
Date / Time:
Friday, March 8, 2019 - 7:30pm - 10:00pm
Contact Name:
James Witker
Second Sunday Supper
Eating Simply So that We May Simply Survive.
By reducing or eliminating our consumption of Beef, Pork, Poultry, Seafood and Dairy Products, our planet can produce more food for more people with less water, fewer greenhouse gases, and less environmental destruction. Join Faith In Action's Peace and Social Justice Group and the Green Living Committee, Hunger Taskforce, and Disability Support Group at Second Sunday Supper on March 10, 2019, at 6 pm to find out how we can reduce our environmental and social impact while improving our own health and that of our planet. Bring a vegetarian, vegan, local or organic side dish, salad or dessert to share. Faith In Action will provide the Main Dishes. Be sure to stay afterward for Sunday Cinema's "Cowspiracy" at 7pm in the Sanctuary.
Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own.
Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.
You can also help by joining our Kitchen Cabinet and help with cooking (the day before), setup, or cleanup. You know that the most fun at any party is in the kitchen! Sign up at tinyurl.com/kitchenministry.
Date / Time:
Sunday, March 10, 2019 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm