In Memoria: Garden of Eternity Service
We will gather in the Garden of Eternity following our Día de los Muertos service to remember our beloved dead and honor the new names that are being added to this sacred space of our beloved community. All are welcome to this brief service of reflection and memory.
Open Meditation
We gather twice a month to sit together quietly for 20 minutes, to walk with gentle awareness for seven minutes, and to explore the integration of meditation with ordinary life through reading and sharing. Anyone who senses they would benefit from 20 minutes of silent, non-guided sitting is welcome to join us. We have found that this time of quiet meditation and shared exploration can be deeply nourishing – a time of simply “being” amidst all the “doing” of our lives.
OWL Meeting
Parent Orientation Part 2. Youth in Room 4 and Parents in Forbes Hall.
This meeting, for both parents and children, will consist of one session for parents, a concurrent session for youth, and a joint session. The purpose of this meeting is to develop a partnership between the O.W.L. teachers, participants and parents and to strengthen the family commitment to sexuality education.
Esoteric Spirituality
As the first event in our Esoteric Spirituality Series, hosted by Mark Berlin, we will be presenting The Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff, Saturday, October 26 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in the Sanctuary.
G.I. Gurdjieff brought to the West an ancient teaching from Central Asia with the aim both to provide people with a method for the awakening of consciousness in everyday life and secondly, to offer a foundation for understanding Man’s place in the Universe – the “sense and aim of Man’s existence,” as he called it. Representatives from The Gurdjieff Foundation of Los Angeles will give a talk and answer questions about the teaching and the specific practice Gurdjieff left for us. Contact for more information and to sign up.
The intent of the Esoteric Spirituality Series is help participants recover common core truths at the center of all world religions that have been lost or diluted over time and exploring how these truths enhance our Unitarian principles. Every other month, we plan on inviting a representative of an esoteric spiritual path to give a lecture and participate in a discussion with class participants.
Stewardship Study Group
Our book will be The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life by Lynne Twist. The book is in four parts. We will meet every other week and discuss one part at a time.
Stewardship Study Group
Our book will be The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life by Lynne Twist. The book is in four parts. We will meet every other week and discuss one part at a time.
October, 2019
California Landscapes by Roy Patience

Second Sunday Supper
Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own.
Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.