Faith Forward - Inquirers Group - cancelled
Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth: Programs for Families; Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program.
Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
Two week Break
03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
One week Break
04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
One week Break
04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Date / Time:
Sunday, March 22, 2020 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Contact Name:
Norm Richey
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
Two week Break
03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
One week Break
04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
One week Break
04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Date / Time:
Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Contact Name:
Norm Richey
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
Two week Break
03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
One week Break
04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
One week Break
04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Date / Time:
Sunday, February 23, 2020 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Contact Name:
Norm Richey
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian
Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our
Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these
questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend
any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend
them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
Two week Break
03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
One week Break
04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
One week Break
04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Date / Time:
Sunday, February 16, 2020 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Contact Name:
Norm Richey
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Session 1: UU Prinicples, Sources and Historical Overview
Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian
Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our
Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these
questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend
any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend
them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
Two week Break
03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
One week Break
04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
One week Break
04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-
time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up
after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the
Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after
Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th .
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after
each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Date / Time:
Sunday, February 9, 2020 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Contact Name:
Norm Richey
February, 2020
Bonnie Lambert's SoCal Cityscapes

The Opening Reception for SoCal Cityscapes by Bonnie Lambert will be on Sunday, February 2 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in Forbes Hall.

In the artist’s words: “I’m a cityscape oil painter in love with intense color and deep contrast. The fluid light, dramatic vistas, stark landscapes and energized urban neighborhoods of Los Angeles provide endless inspiration for my work. I paint with a vibrant palette and expressive brushstrokes to share my vision of an essence of the urban experience.

Lambert earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater from the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and she was a professional actress for nearly two decades. In the early 1990s she studied art for two years at The Art Center School of Design in Pasadena before she met her mentor–museum-collected, Latina artist Margaret Garcia–in 2009. Since Lambert’s first solo exhibit in 2011, she has exhibited widely in SoCal galleries and museums. Her theatrical background lends a natural celebration of drama and mystery to her work.
Contact our Art Director, Beverly Alison, for further information about this show.
For weekday appointments or information about the church, contact the church office: Cyndee at or 310-829-5436 x102
On Sundays, follow the signs to UU Church Parking, which is in the hospital parking structure on 16th Street. Handicap parking is available behind the church.

Hindu Dharma
Sunday, February 23, 2020 - 10:00am
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
Worship Associate:
Dorothy Steinicke
Hinduism is the oldest of the world’s major religions and it has grown to encompass a vast diversity of traditions, scriptures, philosophies, and practices. The Third Source of Unitarian Universalism is: “Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.” This Sunday we will begin our exploration of this ancient wisdom and its great influence on our liberal religious tradition.
Share the Love
Sunday, February 16, 2020 - 10:00am
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Worship Associate:
Dorothy Steinicke
Love is an overused word. How can my mother, my lover, and mac and cheese all be objects of my love? Some writers say love is a verb and without right action there is no love. Others say love is an ideal that can never be realized. Whom or what do you count as your Beloved? Are your Love Languages what your Beloved longs to hear?
The Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins is a consultant to people and organizations in transition. She works with non-profits and faith-based organizations around the country helping them address issues of leadership, communication and cultural competence. Her most recent book is Fish Out of Water, and she is currently collaborating on a book about Gender Identities. She is a member of our UUSM community.
Worship with a Guest Minister
Sunday, February 9, 2020 - 10:00am
Guest Speaker
Worship Associate:
Abby Arnold
We welcome to our pulpit a special message from a guest minister who will lead us in worship as we sing, reflect, grieve, and celebrate together. More information about this special service will be forthcoming. Please join us in giving them a warm welcome to Santa Monica!
Spiritual Practice
Sunday, February 2, 2020 - 10:00am
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
Worship Associate:
Sue Bickford
Spiritual exercises can open us to the numinous and bring profound meaning to our lives. We can encourage our own spiritual growth through practices which keep us in touch with our highest selves, community, and that which we hold to be sacred. As a multireligious tradition, we are all free to adopt practices which we find helpful and sustaining. Join us this Sunday as we explore these exercises of the spirit.