Ukulele Class - Zoom/Online
Come and play ukulele with us or join with another strumming instrument. We recommend a familiarity with the ukulele for this online format but all levels are welcome (beginner to advanced). Bring a ukulele to our Zoom meeting and chords and lyrics will be provided in advance with a few folks prepared to lead some songs. We will share tips and support each other, pulling from a wide range of music. We will need your email contact information by December 10, so that we can send you the music ahead of time. This event is for ages 15 and up, or 10 and up if accompanied by a guardian. We will gather from 9:30 - 10:45 am.
Contact: Kim Kalmanson.
"As-Sabur: The Most Patient" (Online Service) - Sunday, November 29, 2020
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke
December 13, 2020 2:30pm-4pm
Come and join us in observing, learning about and enjoying nature. Even if you are staying indoors these days it is possible to spend time enjoying nature. Here in December, the theme will be parts of nature associated with winter holidays. You are very welcome to join us. No botanical knowledge, drawing or writing skills required. We come together to observe and learn.
A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has more than twenty years experience encouraging people to a love of the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach.
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"For All That is Our Life" - UUSM Sunday Service - November 22, 2020
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
Reimagining Religious Education Together - Zoom/Online
Help us Reimagine Religious Education with this lively and interactive workshop, where Cleo, Rev. Jeremiah, and religious exploration leaders and volunteers will join together to engage the congregation’s mission to set a path forward for religious education and family support at UUSM. We will explore how, in these unprecedented times, we can draw on our abilities for deep care, abounding creativity, and a shared commitment to community in our religious education. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet our new UUA regional partner, Dr. Messlia James, who will help to facilitate this program. Please email Cleo if you would like to participate or have questions.
Slinky, Silly Putty, and Rubber Bands (Online Service) - November 15, 2020
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Sunday Service - "We Hold These Truths..." (Online Service) - November 8, 2020
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
As-Sabur: The Most Patient (Online Service)

For All That is Our Life (Online Service)

Slinky, Silly Putty, and Rubber Bands (Online Service)