"The Bahá’í Faith" - UUSM Sunday Service - May 9, 2021
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
Dining for Dollars - Zoom
Dining for Dollars, Sunday, May 16, 2021, through Sunday, May 23, 2021, Zoom events. There will be wine tastings and trivia contests and artwork to bid on. Bidding begins May 16th.
Contact auction@uusm.org for more information.
Remember: this is our Spring church fundraiser, so bid HIGH and bid OFTEN!
Got Questions? Join us in Coffee Hour after Worship Service on Sunday, where Karl, Greg and Pat will be on hand to help you navigate the website.
Leonard Adler's Memorial Service - Zoom
"What's Your Story?" - UUSM Sunday Service (Online Service) - May 2, 2021
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Playing Nicely

Buddhist Wisdom

Animal Liberation

The Bahá’í Faith

What's Your Story?

Faith In Action: Mayday Gathering and Caravan for Victims of Police Violence
Join Peace & Social Justice Committee, Say Their Names LA, and families that have lost loved ones to police violence in LA for a vigil and action seeking justice. We will meet at Central Avenue Jazz Park in Downtown LA at 12:30PM. Bring a lunch and anything you’d like to share with others. There will be poster making party, arts and crafts, music, poetry, face painting for the kids, and speeches from the families. At 3:30PM we will caravan to LAPD Headquarters to meet with other organizations to demand justice. Contact justice@uusm.org.