Second Sunday Supper
Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own.
Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.
Ernie Pipes Lecture Series: Jeffrey Parola Organ Concert and Sing-along

Voting Solutions for All People
Presentation on new voting systems for 2020 Primary and General Election for Los Angeles County.
A speaker from the Los Angeles County Registrar & #39's Office will present information on Voting Solutions for All People. Voters will be able to mark and cast their ballot at any vote center throughout the County. Voters will no longer be limited to voting at an assigned polling place. Voting will be available for an extended election period of 11 days. Voters will no longer be limited to voting on one particular day. This is a pilot program for Los Angeles County.
Blessing of the Animals
Awakening: The High Holy Days (Sept. 30-Oct.9) Adonai Roi
Jewish tradition honors the sanctity of this time as the begining of the New Year, the period of judgement, and the Day of Atonement. Join us as we reflect upon the High Holy Days of this tradition and find their relevance to our lives and the world.
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Session 4: Faith Development for Children & Youth Young Adult Group
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Session 5: Practicing our UU Faith - Small Group Connections,Heart to Heart and Our Whole Lives (OWL) program.
Faith Forward - Inquirers Series
Sunday, November 10th - 11:30 - 12:30, Room 1, second floor of Forbes
Session 5 - Practicing Our UU Faith through various educational and group offerings:
- Adult Religious Exploration (Adult RE) - Presenter - Beverly Shoenberger, Chair of Adult RE
- Heart to Heart Groups (H2H) - Presenter - Cheryl Sims, Coordinator of Heart to Heart Program
- Our Whole Lives (OWL) - Presenter - Beth Rendeiro, Coordinator of the OWL Program - An age appropriate Sex Education Program for Children, Youth & Adults
Participants will learn:
- About the many personal growth, discussion groups & faith formation programs for adults offered at our Church
- About the structure, purpose, and relational connection opportunity through H2H
- About the purpose, structure, and facilitation of the OWL Program
Please join us for this instructive opportunity.
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Session 9: Membership 101 and Congregational Life
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group
Faith Forward - Inquirers Series - Session 7: Social Action & Community Service
Sunday, November 24th - 11:30 - 12:30, Room 1, second floor of Forbes
Presenters: Sarah Mae Harper, Co-Chair of Faith in Action Committee
Linda van Ligten, Chair of Care Ring Program
Sarah Mae will talk about past and current work and focus of the Faith in Action Committee which is the umbrella committee overseeing Peace & Social Justice, The Hunger Task Force, The Green Committee, Interweave, The Disability Group and the recent addition of Animal Ministry. These very important Social Action committees have committed members who "walk the talk" when it comes to fighting injustice and social inequities in our community of Santa Monica and the greater Los Angles County.
Linda will talk about Care Ring, A Program that offers support for church members who are experiencing sickness, medical recuperation, or other needs. Linda will discuss what the Care Ring can offer and cannot offer to church members during challenging times.
This is an opportunity to learn about the many social action programs offered by UUSM Church Community. You are warmly invited to come and join the discussion.
ssion 7: Social Action and Community Service