RE News Archive
Jun 2014
From our DRE
It’s that time of year again — the Lifespan RE Committee and I are recruiting volunteers for the summer and 2014-15 RE program year, and I invite YOU to consider teaching this year! You may have questions about volunteering; potential volunteers often raise similar concerns, so here are answers to some of the most common questions that come our way about teaching RE.
Q: Why do teachers volunteer their time?
The best way to get an answer to that is to ask one of our teachers! Sharing the excitement of learning and exploring new ideas with children can be a very special experience. We learn as much, or more, from them as they do from us, and their fresh outlook helps us to keep our youthful perspective. The curriculum materials we provide allow you the opportunity to explore and clarify your own religious ideas and delve into the varied religious heritages that have influenced Unitarian Universalism.
Q: I’m still forming my own beliefs. How can I teach religion to children?
As UU’s, most of us spend our entire lives formulating our religious beliefs. It’s a part of what we’re all about! Since we have no creed, we don’t try to “teach” our children religion. Instead, we help them to question, to wonder, to grow their own spirituality. We teach them how to think about religion, not what to think about it. Our teachers don’t need theological certainty, just open minds and open hearts.
Q: But I don’t know how to teach!
That’s okay — we’ll help you! We’ll have a training workshop on a Saturday in September before classes begin so you’ll feel right at home with our RE program. The Lifespan RE Committee and I will provide support, both practical and emotional, at any time.
Q: But I can’t do it alone!
Of course you can’t, and we don’t expect you to. You’ll be a part of a teaching team of three or four teachers per class. When it’s your turn to teach, another member of your team or a class parent will be there to assist. The DRE and the Lifespan Religious Exploration (LRE) Committee will check in with you, offer suggestions when asked, and help provide the supplies and resources you need.
Q: But I’m not good at arts and crafts (music, drama or whatever).
You don’t have to be! Our curricula are designed to be easy to use and are so complete that all you need to do is follow the directions. Just add love and stir! Remember, the members of your teaching team will have complementary strengths. Our congregation is a wealth of talent, and we will help you find that guitarist-dancer-scientist who can add the touch of expertise you want.
Q: I don’t have kids (or my kids are grown up). Why should I get involved in RE?
Social responsibility begins at home, within our own church family. What better way to assure our future, as well as that of our denomination, than to work with children and youth, who are its heartbeat? It is very rewarding to share the joy of celebration and discovery. The children will benefit from your viewpoint - differing perspectives are invaluable to their growth.
Q: I enjoy the sermons too much to miss them.
Good News! We have two services each Sunday, at 9 and 11 a.m., so you may still participate in worship on weeks when you’re teaching. Many of our teachers, particularly those who don’t have young children currently in RE, volunteer at one service and attend worship at the other each week. Your commitment as a teacher is two Sundays per month (once as lead teacher and once as assistant), so you’ll also have two or three Sundays every month without classroom responsibilities when you can attend the service of your choosing.
Q: I have a crazy schedule, so I can’t teach. Is there another way I can help?
Yes! Our LRE program can use volunteers in countless ways. We need nursery and classroom helpers, teacher substitutes, snack providers and more. We need resource people in many fields. A “guest appearance” adds a dimension to a young person’s religious education. Perhaps you have a professional expertise that could be utilized to support our teaching staff. We also have plenty of opportunities for those who would like to plan or supervise parties or activities, intergenerational events or service projects, or help organize the RE library and supply closets. Choose what interests you!
To learn more about volunteer opportunities or to sign up, visit the LRE table during coffee hour, or contact me at or 310-829-5436 x105.
— Catherine Farmer Loya
Date Night Event a Success for YRUU
LRE Children’s Subcommittee
Adult RE

May 2014
From Our DRE
Ministry Theme for May: Authority
Bettye Barclay has provided this list of weekly thoughts about our ministerial theme for May. Daily thoughts are published in the weekly email announcements.
Week 1. The ultimate authority must alwaysrest with the individual’s own reason and critical analysis. — Dalai Lama
Week 2. I do not believe in immortality of theindividual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it. — Albert Einstein
Week 3. There is no necessity to separate themonarch from the mob; all authority is equally bad. — Oscar Wilde
Week 4. No Man has any natural authority over his fellow men. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Week 5. The ultimate court of appeal is observation and experiment…not authority. — Thomas Huxley
Children's RE

What makes you,
Or how you question the bold answers?
Can you be molded by these questions?
and dignity of every person?
The questions,
Or just Tempted by snacks.
Why did we stay?
But as young adults,
public thinks we are.
we have concluded.
who we are only makes us
more special.
of loving individuals.
Every size.
Every age.
Every color.
No matter how you got here,
stayed here.
It’s a life changing experience,
It’s a second family,
It’s a place to explore the world,
Audlt RE
Lifespan Religious Education in May
Long, Strange Trip: A UU History: We continue our six-part video and discussion series about the history of Unitarian and Universalist thought from the beginning of the Christian era to what we know today as Unitarian Universalism.
Patio Chat
Apr 2014
From our DRE:

YRUU Holds Successful Lunch Sale
Mar 2014
From Our DRE:
Adult RE:

Thank God for Evolution
Ministry Theme for March – Sacrifice

Feb 2014
From Our DRE:
Children's RE
Youth RE

Adult RE

Jan 2014
From Our DRE:
Ministry Theme for January: Simplicity

Children’s RE
Adult Programs Subcommittee
Spiritual Growth and Small Group Ministry
What Is Small Group Ministry?
Small Group Ministry — New Sessions begin February 2014

Mini-Sessions: “Test-driving” Small Group Ministry
What participants are saying about their experience in Small Group Ministry:
20 years of Friendly Beasts

Dec 2013
From Our DRE:

Children's RE
Adult RE
UUCCSM Reads, a Fiction Reading Group, will meet Monday, December 16, at 7 p.m. in Forbes Hall to discuss “The Highest Tide” by Jim Lynch, the 2008 selection of the Santa Monica Library “Reads” program. All are welcome. There should be plenty of copies available at library branches. The book jacket describes the book as follows: “One moonlit night, 13-year-old Miles O’Malley sneaks out of his house and goes exploring on the tidal flats of Puget Sound. When he discovers a rare giant squid, he instantly becomes a local phenomenon shadowed by people curious as to whether this speed-reading, Rachel Carson-obsessed teenager is just an observant boy or an unlikely prophet.” All are welcome. Please read the book before the meeting. For more information contact Melinda Ewen.
Celebrating 20 Years of the Friendly Beasts!
Small Group Ministry
Ministry Theme for December: Joy

Nov 2013

Friendly Beasts Celebrate 20th Anniversary
Our Whole Lives (O.W.L.) for Children Beginning Soon
November Worship Theme: Grace

Oct 2013
From Our DRE:

Ministry Theme for October: Change

Children's RE
Adult Programs

New Fiction Book Group Forms
When: Nine sessions on occasional Saturdays from October to March First Session: Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sep 2013
From Our DRE:
From Our Interim DRE
What's in Store for Children & Youth in the New Church Year
Adult Programs Coming Up
O.W.L. (Our Whole Lives)
Theme Discussion