RE News Archive
Jul 2022
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, July 2022

Jun 2022
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, June 2022

We will be be reading “Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World” by Carl Bergstrom. Learn to dismantle misinformation and think clearly in a world of fake news and bad data. To receive the link, you will want to be on the group email list. Contact Rebecca Crawford for this month’s book read, We meet from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. All are welcome.
6/2/22 (Thursday): Aristotle: “Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everyone’s power and is not easy.” How do you handle anger? Have you ever regretted your actions when angry? Has your temper become ‘shorter’ or more patient/nuanced with age?
6/18/22 (Saturday): What one or two attributes or personality characteristics stand out most in your memory about of each of your parents? Is there an especially fond memory you can share about something they did with you or for you? What do you think your own children, or nieces and nephews if you have no children, will most remember about you?
To request more information or to join us, please ask the church office for information about how to contact Jim Rheinwald or Richard Mathias through the Adult RE Committee email,

May 2022
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, May 2022

Community Building Activities:

- 5/5/22: What was the worst date you ever had? Reflecting on the role you might have played in this disappointment or disaster, what might you have done differently
- 5/21/22: How has formal education changed during your lifetime, from elementary school through college? In what ways do you believe that education should be improved?

Apr 2022
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, April 2022

- 4/7/22: When you were younger, what was the main thing you were searching for? Did you find it? What are you seeking now? (This Thursday session will be held on Zoom from 7:30 – 9:00 pm)
- 4/23/22: Imagine that you were able to go back in time and could give your child or children a gift (tangible or an experience or advice) at a key time in their lives. What is it and why do you believe that it might have made a significant difference in their lives? (This Saturday session will be held in the Patio from 1:30 – 3:00 pm)

Mar 2022
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, March 2022

Community Building Activities:

Exploration of Ideas:


Reminders for Closed Groups:
Feb 2022
The Unthinkable Mind with Judith Martin-Straw, Thursday Nights

“Writing for Discernment” – A Contemplative Look at Monthly Ministry Themes

Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, February 2022

- 2/3/22: If you were 18 years old right now in 2022, would you make the same educational and career choices that you did long ago? Why or why not? If not, what would you do instead? If you were more of a risk-taker than you are, what might you try?
- 2/17/22: What is your very earliest memory and what is your best childhood memory? How have you come to understand and interpret their significance to your life?
We meet from 7:30 – 9:00 PM. To request more information or to join us, please ask the church office for information about how to contact Jim Rheinwald or Richard Mathias through the Adult RE Committee email,

Let’s Delve into the 7 UU Principles Together!

Dec 2021
New Year’s Resolution Workshop
It’s a new year, fresh with possibilities. I know there are some of you who think there is nothing special when the year changes another digit. But this is the best time to reflect, to dream, and to plan. And what better way to do this than with your UUSM friends? The participants of this workshop will provide each other camaraderie, encouragement, and accountability. It’s a way to rocket forth our intentions into a firm reality.
Norm Richey, who is a certified life coach, will talk about “SMART” goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound. This workshop will help you determine your own SMART goals and will give you the impetus to achieve them.
Take me, Sarah R, for instance. I took the workshop last year. I wanted to record my pipe music and create music videos for those pieces. I realized I couldn’t do this with my regular acoustic pipes. I needed a digital chanter first. So I purchased one in January. I also needed to purchase a headset. Then I realized I needed to connect it to recording software. I did some research and bought an Apogee. With this I could connect and record directly to my phone. And thus, I can record anywhere I’d like – in a café, in a park, even on the train.
With a music sample recorded, it was time for that video. So I learned how to use GIMP, an open source photo manipulation software. I created artwork, took photos, manipulated them in GIMP, and built-up frames for the videos. I then found ShotCut as a decent program. I downloaded it, learned what I can do with it, and created two whole videos for my music pieces.
I was successful because my final goal was well defined, and I used a stepladder of SMART goals to achieve that larger goal. It took fearless acquisitions, research, and learning new things. Everything was a challenge, but there was a lovely emotional payout.
I am sure others will have plenty of dreams they wish to share and work towards, and these ideas may excite you too. So, what might you want to do differently this year? Come sign up for the workshop. Room is very limited, so act quickly to get your spot!
Send an email to The workshop is by Zoom on January 19, this coming Wednesday night, 7:00-8:30 pm. We are considering moving the follow-up dates to the third Wednesdays, on February 16 and March 16, instead of the second Wednesdays as previously advertised.
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, January 2022
Come, come, whoever you are!

- 1/6/22: For those in the group who have retired, why did you retire and how has it been for you? In retrospect, was it the right time? Was there anything that you didn’t expect and anything you would have done differently? For those who are still working, when do you plan to retire and why?
- 1/20/22: What personal event and what public event do you believe had the greatest influence in shaping your life?

Dec 2021
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, December 2021

- On Saturday, 12/4/21, 1:30-3:00 PM: During the next two years what aspect(s) of your life do you anticipate will give you the most joy and happiness? What do you see as your biggest concern or challenge for this same period?
- On Thursday 12/16/21, 7:30-9:00 PM: Do you have a hobby? What first stimulated your interest in it? Has your interest in it changed over the years?

Challenges and Rewards of “A History of God”

Nov 2021
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, November 2021

Oct 2021
The Artist’s Way, A Group with Judith Martin-Shaw

“I first did the Artist’s Way with one friend. We met for breakfast once a week to ‘turn in our homework’ and talk. It was a huge experience in growth for both of us. Years later, I took it as a class at a bookstore with a very experienced teacher and about 40 other students. Again, it was a quantum leap in being able to use my own creativity to open my life. Some years later, I offered to teach it to a group at my yoga studio, and most of the people in the class reported very significant positive changes. I felt I got as much out of teaching it as they did while doing the work. Every time I’ve done it, I’ve been very glad that I did.”
New Class for Adults: “A History of God”

“The epic story begins with the Jews’ gradual transformation of pagan idol worship in Babylon into true monotheism — a concept previously unknown in the world. Christianity and Islam both rose on the foundation of this revolutionary idea, but these religions refashioned ‘The One God’ to suit the social and political needs of their followers. From classical philosophy and medieval mysticism to the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the modern age of skepticism, Karen Armstrong performs the near miracle of distilling the intellectual history of monotheism into one superbly readable volume.” [Publisher]
Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, October 2021

Community Building Through Personal Development: