Music News Archive
Jan 2009
The Louis Durra Trio forsakes its recent genre-hoppingexplorations to play a concert of straight-aheadjazz. Find out and hear what that sounds like. It'salways awesome. January 18, 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.Champagne reception follows. $10 suggested donation.
Watch out for the upcoming early choir Sunday. Ourdevoted choir members and section leaders will sing at9 a.m. instead of 11 a.m. and our 11a.m. crowd willhear our guest musician. The very first one of these for2009 will be 9 a.m., January 25.
The Music Committee is launching a new series ofevents coordinated by VictorWylie. Folks are invited tocome together and play music. No rehearsal required.This will occur four times a year. Two will be for popularmusic and two for the classical repertoire. All arewelcome. Our first event will be all kinds of popularmusic on February 8, 4
Dec 2008
Our Saturday Spotlight last month was a blast. It isalways a friendly environment in which we canall strut our stuff. And the Louis Durra Trio'sopening concert for the season, twisting well-knownBeatles tunes, was a sensation. It is really a treat to hearsuch great jazz within our sanctuary walls.
This month's main music event is A Celestial Christmas.The Celestial Opera Company (Michelle'sMcWilliams' group) and our UU music committee areco-sponsoring this delightful evening to be held on Saturday,December 13, at 7 p.m. Local opera singers andcompany members perform in this special evening ofseasonal classical favorites and traditional carols withan audience sing-a-long. Yay! See ad for more info.
During December, the music committee will reintroducethe Music Table in Forbes Hall after church.Come and stock up on Louis' CDs and DVDs, and thechoir's CDs for all your holiday needs.
We welcome Judith Straw and Victor Wylie to themusic committee. Judith will be covering PR for ourevents. Victor is going to launch a whole new music program- Sunday afternoon jam sessions and chambermusic readings in the cottage. Folks will be invited tohang out to play and/or listen to music, just for fun. Norehearsal essential.
- Rima Snyder and Bronwen JonesCo-Chairs,Music Committee
A Celestial Christmas
Mark your calendars for a very special concert and singalong of holiday music performed byThe Celestial Opera Company Singers.
Saturday, December 13, 7 pm atThe Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica
Tickets: $15 or $10 with a non-perishable food donation at the door.Call our ticket hotline (626) 628-3305 for more information,or to purchase tickets online, visit our website
Oct 2008
Our music program warmlywelcomes tenor section leaderMichael Lamb back into thefold. It's wonderful to have histalent and great spirit with usagain.
Jun 2008
Louis Durra Trio to Play June 8
The Louis Dura Trio performs Sunday, June 8, at 7 the sanctuary. Don't miss Louis' final jazz concert ofthe season. $10 at the door.
Jan 2008
Opera Coming to UUCCSM
The Celestial Opera Company returns toUUCCSM this spring with a new production of"The Bartered Bride," a comic tale of love andtrickery by Bedfiich Smetana. The opera will beperformed in English. Watch for dates.
Jun 2007
Those who attended this year's Dining forDollars choir event, "I Get A Kick Out OfUU," had a wonderful evening of fun andentertainment. The Music Committee would like tothank our fabulous Steve Wight and Louis Durra foronce again putting their amazing talent to work forus. We would also like to thank the choir for all theirdevotion and time spent to learn and sing all thosenotes, to Rima Snyder, our ever-patient librarian, tothe instrumentalists who donated their time, toDiana Spears, Sue Moore, Nedra Bickel, and MarvPulliam for hosting the reception, to Peter van denBeemt for pouring the champagne, to Joe Hardinfor building a stage for the orchestra, to NorbGallery for honchoing the sound system, for theprinters and tapers of music at Sue Bickford's house,and to all those who helped set up and tear downthe stuff, returning the Sanctuary to its serenity.The whole event was characterized by everyone'sspirited desire to put on a very fine show.
- Bronwen Jones,Co-Chair, Music Committee