Solstice Vespers Through readings, chant, candlelighting, and sacred silence, we will mark the turning of the year. This evening service will be hosted by Judith Martin Straw and friends. |
Solstice Vespers This service, hosted by Worship Associates Rima Synder and Judith Martin-Straw, will honor solstice traditions across cultures and through the ages. We will mark the longest night of the year with readings rituals of chant, candle lighting and sacred silence – embracing the dark and celebrating the return of light. Please also join us for an informal welcoming reception before the service, at 6:00 pm in Angeline Forbes Hall, next to the sanctuary. |
Solstice Vespers (7 p.m.)
Through readings, chant, candle lighting, and sacred silence, we will mark the longest night of the year. Rima Snyder, Judith Martin-Straw, Rebecca Benefiel Bijur, and friends will host this evening service.
Solstice Vespers Pre-reception Light refreshments will be served in Forbes before the service, from 6-7pm |
Solstice Vespers Service This service, hosted by Worship Associates Rima Synder and Judith Martin-Straw, will honor solstice traditions across cultures and through the ages. We will mark the longest night of the year with rituals of chant, candle lighting and sacred silence – embracing the dark and celebrating the return of light. Please also join us for an informal welcoming reception before the service, at 6:00 pm in Angeline Forbes Hall, next to the sanctuary. |
Some Glad Morning Join us for a joyful UU Easter celebration of the power of life over death. The Adult Choir will sing for both services. |
Somebody's Calling My Name Special guest Roy Zimmerman will perform at this service. For a sample of Roy's music, see |
Someday is Today (André J. Thomas) - UUSM Vocalists |
Somethings are Meant to Be UUSM Vocalists |
Song of the Community We say good-bye to Rev. Tera and ready ourselves to say hello to Rev. Rebecca! Rev. Tera will share snippets of the life-affirming “song” she heard during her time at UU Santa Monica. |
Soul Keeping If we are spiritual beings having a human experience, how do we take care of the part of ourselves that connects us to one another and serves as a vessel for the spark of Life? Consider a few practices for the care and nurture of your soul. Do you have any? Do you need any? What might you do to take you closer to the core of who you are and who you want to become? A few spiritual practices for a busy life. |
Soul Work In recent months there has been a renewal of interest among our members in the work of anti-racism and antioppression. Responding to the 2006 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly resolution charging member congregations to address racism or classism in the coming year, the work ahead is challenging. Soul Work is the title of a book many of us are reading to get started. |