
RE - Safe Sitter Training

Safe Sitter® teaches young babysitters how to handle crises and how to nurture and guide young child. Safe Sitter® babysitters help children stay safe and sound while their parents are away. In the process, these 11 to 18-year-olds emerge as more confident, responsible and compassionate teens and adults. 

Contact Kathleen for more details. 

RE - Safe Sitter Training

Safe Sitter Class! Safe Sitter® teaches young babysitters how to handle crises and how to nurture and guide young child. Safe Sitter® babysitters help children stay safe and sound while their parents are away. In the process, these 11 to 18-year-olds emerge as more confident, responsible and compassionate teens and adults.

Bring a lunch! 

Contact Kathleen for more details and to sign up. 

RE - Senior OWL Parent Orientation
RE - Seventh Principle Saturday

Join us Saturday April 29 from 10 AM - 2 PM for the first of our Seventh Principle Saturday Activities. 

We will be working right here at our church to do some campus planting and install a worm compost house and a rain barrel. Let's put our faith in action together!

RE - Special Screening for Earth Sunday - "Journey of the Universe"

Special Screening for Earth Sunday: “Journey of the Universe” with Brian Swimme.

This Emmy-Award winning documentary utilizes stunning visuals to tell the 13-billion-year story of the universe, life, and us. From the Big Bang to the epic impact humans have on the planet today, this film is designed to inspire a new and closer relationship with Earth in a period of growing environmental and social crisis.

Length: 1 hour.

Discussion to follow.

Contact James Witker



RE - Spirit Grant Fundraiser Meeting
RE - Spirit Play Training
RE - UU History: Faith Like a River
RE - YRUU Orientation/BBQ
Want to find out what the plan is for this year?
Want to get together with your friends and enjoy yummy food?
This event is for YRUU youth, parents, siblings and advisors. 
RE - YRUU Rehearsal
RE Brunch
RE Chalice Camp Variety Show