
AA Step Study Workshop Meeting
AAHS Freethinker Forum

AAHS is an open group that meets for lively and engaging discussion on topics of politics, science, religion and philosophy. We also host occasional guest speakers, films, and outings. We are a home base for non-believers and questioners, but everyone is welcome. For many, atheism/agnosticism is a first step; Humanism is the thousand steps that come after. 

AAHS (Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists & Secularists) - Freethinker Forum
AAHS Presents February Freethinker Forum: Is the World Really Getting Better?
Despite what we hear, Dr. Steven Pinker argues that war, disease and poverty are on the decline and the world is a better place than it has ever been. The reason? Science, reason, and Humanist values. We will stream a recent presentation from Davos that lays out the evidence, and discuss.

AAHS: Following our Fourth Principle, “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” we are continuing our series examining each of the letters in our name — Atheist, Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist and Skeptic.  AAHS is a group dedicated to creating a welcoming place for non-theists within the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica and in the wider community. AAHS welcomes all who want to connect with like-minded people and who share our interests and our curiosity about the diverse world of free-thought ideas and issues. Each meeting will have a presentation of the subject and why this philosophical stance is of interest to freethinkers, followed by a Q&A and discussion. Come to learn, to share, and to discuss. For more info, contact


AAHS - Canticle to Cosmos video

Canticle to the Cosmos

A scientific and spiritual odyssey through the evolutionary origins of the universe, life, and humanity. We will view and discuss this 12-part video course by cosmologist and religious naturalist Brian Swimme, who seeks to provide people with a scientific *and* sacred understanding of cosmic origins, divine creativity, and an ecological consciousness urgently needed in our time. In his book, “The Universe Is a Green Dragon,” Swimme writes, “Our ancestry stretches back through the life forms and into the stars, back to the beginnings of the primeval fireball. This universe is a single multiform energetic unfolding of matter, mind, intelligence and life. None of the great figures of human history were aware of this, not Plato or Aristotle, or the Hebrew Prophets, or Confucius… We are the first generation to live with an empirical view of the origin of the universe… to look into the night sky and see the birth of the cosmos as a whole. Our future as a species will be forged within this new story of the world.”

Every Sunday starting February 5, 4–6 pm, in Forbes Hall except February 12, it will be held in the Cottage

Facilitator: James Witker, contact:


AAHS - Canticle to Cosmos video

Canticle to the Cosmos

A scientific and spiritual odyssey through the evolutionary origins of the universe, life, and humanity. We will view and discuss this 12-part video course by cosmologist and religious naturalist Brian Swimme, who seeks to provide people with a scientific *and* sacred understanding of cosmic origins, divine creativity, and an ecological consciousness urgently needed in our time. In his book, “The Universe Is a Green Dragon,” Swimme writes, “Our ancestry stretches back through the life forms and into the stars, back to the beginnings of the primeval fireball. This universe is a single multiform energetic unfolding of matter, mind, intelligence and life. None of the great figures of human history were aware of this, not Plato or Aristotle, or the Hebrew Prophets, or Confucius… We are the first generation to live with an empirical view of the origin of the universe… to look into the night sky and see the birth of the cosmos as a whole. Our future as a species will be forged within this new story of the world.”

Every Sunday starting February 5, 4–6 pm, in Forbes Hall except February 12, it will be held in the Cottage

Facilitator: James Witker, contact:


AAHS - Canticle to Cosmos video

Canticle to the Cosmos

A scientific and spiritual odyssey through the evolutionary origins of the universe, life, and humanity. We will view and discuss this 12-part video course by cosmologist and religious naturalist Brian Swimme, who seeks to provide people with a scientific *and* sacred understanding of cosmic origins, divine creativity, and an ecological consciousness urgently needed in our time. In his book, “The Universe Is a Green Dragon,” Swimme writes, “Our ancestry stretches back through the life forms and into the stars, back to the beginnings of the primeval fireball. This universe is a single multiform energetic unfolding of matter, mind, intelligence and life. None of the great figures of human history were aware of this, not Plato or Aristotle, or the Hebrew Prophets, or Confucius… We are the first generation to live with an empirical view of the origin of the universe… to look into the night sky and see the birth of the cosmos as a whole. Our future as a species will be forged within this new story of the world.”

Every Sunday starting February 5, 4–6 pm, in Forbes Hall except February 12, March 12, and April 9 when it will be held in the Cottage.

Facilitator: James Witker, contact:


AAHS - Canticle to Cosmos video

Canticle to the Cosmos

A scientific and spiritual odyssey through the evolutionary origins of the universe, life, and humanity. We will view and discuss this 12-part video course by cosmologist and religious naturalist Brian Swimme, who seeks to provide people with a scientific *and* sacred understanding of cosmic origins, divine creativity, and an ecological consciousness urgently needed in our time. In his book, “The Universe Is a Green Dragon,” Swimme writes, “Our ancestry stretches back through the life forms and into the stars, back to the beginnings of the primeval fireball. This universe is a single multiform energetic unfolding of matter, mind, intelligence and life. None of the great figures of human history were aware of this, not Plato or Aristotle, or the Hebrew Prophets, or Confucius… We are the first generation to live with an empirical view of the origin of the universe… to look into the night sky and see the birth of the cosmos as a whole. Our future as a species will be forged within this new story of the world.”

Every Sunday starting February 5, 4–6 pm, in Forbes Hall except February 12, it will be held in the Cottage

Facilitator: James Witker, contact:


AAHS - Cosmos Screening

Screening of Carl Sagan's Cosmos from the 1980's

AAHS - Cosmos Screening

Opportunity to watch of Carl Sagan's Cosmos from the 1980's on July 6, 2014.


AAHS - Screening "Humanitas: A Conscious Coloring of Kindness"

Join us for an exclusive screening and West Coast premiere of a unique new film that  explores humanism, racial justice, and some little-known history! Filmmaker Jé Hooper, a leader-in-traning with the American Ethical Union, will be present for a Q&A. 

Felix Adler (Ritchie Szoke), the founder and philosopher of the Ethical Culture Movement, and W.E.B. DuBois (Joe Tolbert), the author of "the Souls of Black Folk" and activist-scholar, are re-imagined in this histo-contemporary retrospective of July 1900.
(View the trailer:
Throughout this experimental film, we journey with Adler and DuBois through a series of poetic prose, soulful music and choreo-movements, as they stir in one another justice through a new lens of nonreligious ethics, African-based spirituality, and civil philosophy.
DuBois, after completing a variety of lectures and books is endowed by the "spirit-of-rightness" with a new love for the intersectionality of Africaniety, where all lives can't matter until black lives matter. As a result, his passion becomes contagious to anyone who comes in contact with his infectious conscious-kindness--his heart-work becomes the coloring of white spaces.
Through an encounter with DuBois, Adler "weighs the soul" of the young negro leader and establishes a life-changing relationship that is solidified at the first Pan-African Conference at the Westminster Hall in London.
Adler is also challenged by this consciousness, conflicted by the thoughts of other intellectuals, who reveal a hidden unethical, racist agenda for scholastic fame, and a refusal to acknowledge the true souls and spirits of black folks.
Co-sponsored by AAHS: Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists  and the UU Santa Monica Peace & Justice Team in collaboration with the Ethical Culture Society of Los Angeles. 
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AAHS - Speaker David Diskin

David Diskin speaking about Camp Quest West. 

AAHS - Speaker Phil Ferguson

Phil Ferguson will be talking about problems with pseudoscience in medicine.