
Flex Vote Center

LA County voters can drop off their ballot at The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica on Thursday, October 29, from 10am-4pm.


UUSM will be a Flex Vote Center as a part of Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) Flex Program. The program ensures that the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) meets the needs of all LA County voters to cast their ballot with expanded voting options. The program lends a special focus to voters with distinct needs such as seniors, people experiencing homelessness, voters with disabilities, and geographically isolated voters.


In response to COVID-19, VSAP Flex Vote Centers are fully equipped to ensure voter safety with social distancing guidelines.  For more information about VSAP Flex Vote Centers, visit



Fluent in Faith

Please join us for a special reception after both services celebrating Catherine Farmer Loya's 10th anniversary with our congregation.


Our service takes place the day after Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement in the Jewish calendar.

Food Programs

Put your faith into action by feeding the homeless in our community.  See our Hunger Task Force page for specific opportunities or contact us at the address below.


For most of our lives we focus on our futures: What are our goals? What is next? There is a point, however, when we might begin to think about our legacy. What is the body of work for which you will be remembered? What are your footprints? And where will people find them?

For All That Is Our Life
For All That is Our Life (Online Service)
Thanksgiving/Thanksgrieving is a time for appreciating the bounty of our lives and grieving the harm done to Indigenous peoples by settler colonialism. It is in our capacities to hold both gratitude and grief that we can resist a dominate culture that brutalizes BIPOC and enter into great solidarity with counter-cultural movements that are striving to protect our planet home and all of her people.
for everything - which is yes

According to Christian tradition, Easter is an affirmation of life over death. Even though we don't believe in the resurrection, Unitarian Universalists find meaning in Easter. Unitarian poet e.e. cummings helps us understand just why that is. The sermon title comes from a cummings poem.

For Members
For Such a Time as This: A Sermon on Congregational Conflict
For This We Are Thankful?
For Visitors