
TBD Rental - Co-Opportunity
Visioning Meetings

Join your Board of Directors in imagining the near and distant future of UUCCSM. This opportunity only happens once every 5-10 years. We are in our fourth year of Rev. Rebecca’s settled ministry. We are looking to honor, by making use of, the remarkable legacy gifts of Drew Still and Judy Federick. Our Long Range Planning Committee is urging us to work towards balance between spiritual depth, community and social justice in the life of our church. It’s time to think about what you really value: what you want more of, what you want less of, and what you love just the way it is. It’s all happening NOW in October, 2013.Sign up in Forbes Hall after both services, or email Nurit Gordon in the office with your choice of times.

October 2013 - Four Meetings at Church
Sunday, October 6 - 12:30pm-2pm Sanctuary
Sunday, October 13 - 10:30am-12:00pm Cottage
Sunday, October 20 - 12:30pm-2pm Sanctuary
Sunday, October 27 - 10:30am-12:00pm Cottage
Four Neighborhood Meetings in members’ homes  (limited to 10 participants)
Thursday, October 3 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Goetz home, Santa Monica
Saturday, October 19 - 4:00pm-5:30pm Duckman home, Culver City
Tuesday, October 22 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Bonacich  home, West LA
Tuesday, October 29 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Allen home, Santa Monica
Sunday 12:30 Church meetings will have light refreshments.  We will email you the questions after you sign up.  Or look for them in your October newsletter.
Visioning Meetings

Join your Board of Directors in imagining the near and distant future of UUCCSM. This opportunity only happens once every 5-10 years. We are in our fourth year of Rev. Rebecca’s settled ministry. We are looking to honor, by making use of, the remarkable legacy gifts of Drew Still and Judy Federick. Our Long Range Planning Committee is urging us to work towards balance between spiritual depth, community and social justice in the life of our church. It’s time to think about what you really value: what you want more of, what you want less of, and what you love just the way it is. It’s all happening NOW in October, 2013.Sign up in Forbes Hall after both services, or email Nurit Gordon in the office with your choice of times.

October 2013 - Four Meetings at Church
Sunday, October 6 - 12:30pm-2pm Sanctuary
Sunday, October 13 - 10:30am-12:00pm Cottage
Sunday, October 20 - 12:30pm-2pm Sanctuary
Sunday, October 27 - 10:30am-12:00pm Cottage
Four Neighborhood Meetings in members’ homes  (limited to 10 participants)
Thursday, October 3 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Goetz home, Santa Monica
Saturday, October 19 - 4:00pm-5:30pm Duckman home, Culver City
Tuesday, October 22 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Bonacich  home, West LA
Tuesday, October 29 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Allen home, Santa Monica
Sunday 12:30 Church meetings will have light refreshments.  We will email you the questions after you sign up.  Or look for them in your October newsletter.
Visioning Meetings

Join your Board of Directors in imagining the near and distant future of UUCCSM. This opportunity only happens once every 5-10 years. We are in our fourth year of Rev. Rebecca’s settled ministry. We are looking to honor, by making use of, the remarkable legacy gifts of Drew Still and Judy Federick. Our Long Range Planning Committee is urging us to work towards balance between spiritual depth, community and social justice in the life of our church. It’s time to think about what you really value: what you want more of, what you want less of, and what you love just the way it is. It’s all happening NOW in October, 2013.Sign up in Forbes Hall after both services, or email Nurit Gordon in the office with your choice of times.

October 2013 - Four Meetings at Church
Sunday, October 6 - 12:30pm-2pm Sanctuary
Sunday, October 13 - 10:30am-12:00pm Cottage
Sunday, October 20 - 12:30pm-2pm Sanctuary
Sunday, October 27 - 10:30am-12:00pm Cottage
Four Neighborhood Meetings in members’ homes  (limited to 10 participants)
Thursday, October 3 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Goetz home, Santa Monica
Saturday, October 19 - 4:00pm-5:30pm Duckman home, Culver City
Tuesday, October 22 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Bonacich  home, West LA
Tuesday, October 29 - 7:30pm-9:00pm Allen home, Santa Monica
Sunday 12:30 Church meetings will have light refreshments.  We will email you the questions after you sign up.  Or look for them in your October newsletter.
Visitor Meetup


Visitors and prospective members are encouraged to attend this informal get-together held on each Sunday of the month in the NE Cottage Room.  It is a time to learn more about Unitarian Universalism, our Church Community, and the opportunities of growth and connection through many of our Adult programs.  There will be time for any questions you may have, and information about the steps to membership.  Come, let us get to know you, and you to get to know us.  Everyone is welcomed.  Looking forward to meeting you.  Norm Richey & Sarah Robson, Co-Chairs, Membership Committee.

"8 Elements of Congregational Ministries (Revisited)" - UUSM Sunday Service - November 28, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"8 Elements of Congregational Ministries (Revisited)" - UUSM Sunday Service - November 28, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"A Lotus in Bloom" - UUSM Sunday Service - March 13, 2022
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
Chela Metzger, worship associate
Thích Nhất Hạnh — the simple Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk and peace activist — has inspired the spiritual lives of countless people of all faith traditions. In January, he departed from our mortal coil and we offer this service in honor of his profound life and teachings. We hope you will join us for this special service. 
"A Lotus in Bloom" - UUSM Sunday Service - March 13, 2022
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
Chela Metzger, worship associate
Thích Nhất Hạnh — the simple Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk and peace activist — has inspired the spiritual lives of countless people of all faith traditions. In January, he departed from our mortal coil and we offer this service in honor of his profound life and teachings. We hope you will join us for this special service. 
"A Multireligous Bouquet" - UUSM Sunday Service (Online Service) - January 31, 2021
"A Multireligous Bouquet" - UUSM Sunday Service (Online Service) - January 31, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"A Prophet for Our Times" - UUSM Online Sunday Service - January 17, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae