2021 Pledge Drive
You play a critical role in helping build the Beloved Community.
We are 100% self sustaining. If you value the enrichment, the encouragment to growth, and the opportunities to work together to bring more love and justice into the world, please take a moment today to pledge for the life of this community.
Respond by Sunday, April 27th so we know we can count on you, and your pledge could be matched dollar-for-dollar!
There are three ways you can signify your commitment:
- CLICK TO COMPLETE your pledge form online OR
- CLICK TO UPDATE your pledge and payment information here (please select drop-down to indicate 2021-22 Pledge) OR
- CLICK TO PRINT and return your pledge form by mail.
Got questions? Please email church president Beth Brownlie at president@uusm.org or Stewardship chair Jacki Weber at stewardship@uusm.org. They're also in the church directory and are happy to talk!
Remember our spiritual home at 18th and Arizona? We sure do miss it! Remember our vibrant space and anticipate our return to it!
How we create a culture of abundance at UUSM.
You play a critical role in helping build the Beloved Community.
We are 100% self sustaining. If you value the enrichment, the encouragment to growth, and the opportunities to work together to bring more love and justice into the world, please take a moment today to pledge for the life of this community.
Respond by Sunday, April 27th so we know we can count on you, and your pledge could be matched dollar-for-dollar!
There are three ways you can signify your commitment:
- CLICK TO COMPLETE your pledge form online OR
- CLICK TO UPDATE your pledge and payment information here (please select drop-down to indicate 2021-22 Pledge) OR
- CLICK TO PRINT and return your pledge form by mail.
Got questions? Please email church president Beth Brownlie at president@uusm.org or Stewardship chair Jacki Weber at stewardship@uusm.org. They're also in the church directory and are happy to talk!
Remember our spiritual home at 18th and Arizona? We sure do miss it! Remember our vibrant space and anticipate our return to it!
How we create a culture of abundance at UUSM.