What is a sabbatical?
A sabbatical is a time dedicated to spiritual renewal, rest, and rejuvenation. In our UU tradition, congregations strive to offer their ministers and religious professionals an opportunity to rest from the demanding work of congregational ministry by encouraging them to go on sabbatical after they have been in leadership for five years or more. As the Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur has just completed her fifth year as our full-time Settled Minister, it is time for her to rest for a season, so that she can return renewed and rejuvenated.
Have we done this before?
Our congregation has a long history of sending our minsters on sabbatical. Both the Rev. Ernie Pipes and the Rev. Judith Meyer were able to go on sabbatical, and this is one of the reasons they were able to serve in ministry for 35 and 15 years, respectively. During Rev. Meyer’s last sabbatical, the Rev. Jim Grant served as our sabbatical minister, and many remember his leadership here fondly.
What will Rev. Bijur be doing during her time away?
Like Rev. Pipes and Rev. Meyer before her, Rev. Rebecca plans to pursue study, reflection, contemplation, and action that is not possible when she is present in full time congregational ministry. Possible sabbatical projects will include resting, being fully present with her family, traveling in California and Mexico, and practicing the art of neighborliness. Several years ago she identified growth, outreach, and covenant are key areas of ministry for our congregation, and this sabbatical may offer her the opportunity to pursue these interests. She hopes to return to the congregation with new perspectives on our life together, as well as a renewed connection to the sources of her own spiritual courage and leadership.
When will Rev. Rebecca return to congregational ministry?
Rev. Rebecca will return to the congregation on January 5, 2016. Her first Sunday back in the pulpit will be January 10, 2016.
Who will lead worship, provide pastoral care, supervise church staff, and support the Board of Directors and our volunteer leaders?
We are fortunate that the Rev. Tera Little will serve as our part-time Acting Minister while Rev. Rebecca is on sabbatical. She will be with us from September 28, 2015 to January 5, 2016.
Rev. Little will partner with our Board of Directors and the Committee on Ministry to ensure that the important ongoing ministry of the congregation continues uninterrupted, and even deepens with new leadership from our Acting Minister, staff, and volunteers. Rev. Little will preach two Sundays a month, and the following worship leaders will be with us for Sundays when Rev. Little is out of the pulpit: our own Catherine Farmer Loya, the Rev. Jonipher Kwong, Michael Eselun, and the Rev. Kikanza J. Nuri-Robins.
More about part-time Acting Minister Rev. Tera Little
Rev. Tera Little currently serves as the part-time Minister of Throop Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasadena and is the former Director of Lifespan Programs of the Pacific Southwest District (PSWD) of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Rev. Little has over 16 years of experience in coaching, training, and support in all ages of faith formation, worship arts, justice ministry, campus ministry, and youth ministry.
Rev. Little has also served as the PSWD liaison to our In-Care Program for seminary students, where she created and led service/learning/reflection events at least once a year. Rev. Little brings a positive, collaborative, energetic leadership style and an ability to create worship that “touches people where they are,” which is important in a congregation like ours, with a diversity of theological commitments.
While serving as our part-time Acting Minister, Rev. Little will also continue to serve as the minister of Throop UU Church part-time. Rev. Little was ordained in September of 2011 and received her M.Div. from Meadville Lombard Theological School in May 2010. She is the proud mom of Adrian, age 21, and shares her life with Rabbi Jonathan Klein.
How can we reach Rev. Rebecca during her sabbatical?
In order to allow Rev. Rebecca to fully invest in this special time away, she will not be available to the congregation during her sabbatical. From September 28 to January 5, please contact Rev. Tera Little at
minister@uusm.org or at church at (310) 829-5436 x104 with all ministry concerns. As Rev. Little is with us only part-time, she will also work closely with our President, Patricia Wright, and with the Committee on Ministry, co-Chairs Sue Stoyanoff and Tom Peters, at
How is the sabbatical funded from our church budget?
When Rev. Rebecca answered our call to become our Settled Minister in 2009, the church had already begun to fund a Sabbatical Fund with regular contributions from our annual fundraising efforts. Since 2009, we have added $3,000 per year to this fund, and now we are able to fully fund a part-time Acting Minister without the need for additional fundraising.
Thank you for the gift of this special time, and for your generous investment in your minister’s ongoing education and spiritual development.
Your Committee on Ministry is Sue Stoyanoff and Tom Peters, co-chairs, Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur, Barbara Kernochan, Leon Henderson-MacLennan, and Margot Page at
Warren Mathews Conference Room Dedicated
Christine Haskell, Charles Haskell, Ron Crane, and John Fels with Warren Mathews in the Warren Mathews Conference Room on August 30. The room was originally designated the Warren Mathews Conference Room by the congregation at the annual meeting of May 2007, but no official ceremony was held to formally identify the room as such. Christine, Charles, Ron, and John corrected this oversight by creating a plaque with that designation and holding a catered lunch to celebrate the placement of the plaque in the room. Photos by Carol Ring